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Everything posted by RaineysMom

  1. our 10 YO Zeke had a dental this past Monday (5/6) and had 4 teeth removed, 3 little ones on the bottom right and 1 little one on the bottom left. He had pinkish nasal discharge after he got home and on Tuesday (which is normal) but started this excessive/constant licking starting Tuesday night at 10pm. He's not too bad during the day but at night, licks and licks and licks. I'll wake up, get him to stop, then wake back up a little later with him licking again. I have not slept in 4 nights. Starting Wednesday, the discharge became thicker and darker red/brown colored and was only coming from the right nostril. Talked to our vet and she thought it was normal. After another sleepless night I emailed her again this morning and she agreed the discharge didn't sound right so I brought him in. We looked in his nose and there was some? kind of trauma or something to the nose, right on the inside, the part that extends down from the nose top (hard to explain) - from what I saw, it was like a pink vertical slash right in the middle . She took swabs and did a cytology and didn't see any cancerous looking cells. She put him on antibiotics, which we started when we got home (12:30pm, gets 2 x day) and said if it's not better and still has the bloody discharge by Monday we would need to see a specialist to get it scoped he's been rubbing his nose for several months, but 99% on the LEFT side and this is on the RIGHT side. I just took these pictures and now there is a red blister-like thing on that same area that looked to have been injured (or?). has anyone ever seen anything like this?
  2. RaineysMom

    nose shot 2.jpg

    From the album: Larry

  3. RaineysMom

    nose shot 1.jpg

    From the album: Larry

  4. that is AWESOME! She's like a gazelle over the jumps! and LOVE the pole snaking thing (sorry don't know the name :lol). That's a workout for BOTH of you!
  5. be careful with how much liver you give, it is very high in vitamin A and will cause gastric distress if they eat too much. Organ meats are only supposed to make up 5% of their daily intake.
  6. mine come frozen from MyPetCarnivore but I have bought fresh lamb and beef hearts (just once) and feed them all raw. I cut them into small pieces as Mr. Picky prefers (when he decides to eat). I also feed raw lamb and beef liver, raw hamburger, raw lamb, raw turkey (he can't have chicken), raw green tripe and raw cut up beef (like rump roast).
  7. Our Rainey had pancreatitis for most of the years we had her (4+) -- once the initial acute incident passed, we just needed to ONLY feed her low-fat food -- any "people" food had to be basically fat free (like veggies). Not easy finding low-fat treats but easier now I would think. I tried to keep stuff 5% or less. After that initial episode she never had another (did develop bloat, but that was another incident....). Good luck! she was not put on any meds (that I remember, this was back in like 2006).
  8. I am so very, very sorry :( she was one of the Old Guard here on GT. sending many hugs
  9. I just noticed a pink lump (like a zit) in Zeke's ear last week and have been keeping an eye on it. Today (1 week about since I noticed it) it seems to have grown by maybe one and a half times (not quite double) and is more red and protruding more. He was actually supposed to have a dental done today where our vet could have looked at it but we had to postpone his dental to 5/6 due to some neck pain issues. has anyone ever seen anything like this? He (and our angel Nube) had the "raspberry" histoma things that went away on their own but this is smoother and doesn't look at all the same. I sent this pic to our vet and asked to see what she thought -- Zeke is suspected to be a "bleeder" so removing this is worrying, plus I sure don't want to have to have him put under TWICE. It's about the size of an eraser head (on an old #2 pencil....) ? ETA Zeke just turned 10 on the 6th
  10. RaineysMom

    Ear Cyst

    From the album: Larry

  11. so glad she was saved (truly saved) from a horrible fate. Thank you for adopting this beauty!
  12. our Larry (just turned 12) has LS and neck vertebrae issues too. He takes 100mg Tramadol, 400mg Gabapentin 3 x day, and also now is on a Chinese herb called "Sore Back" (only available from a vet and is $60 for 100 pills) - he gets 1 3 x a day as well. He ALSO gets 1/2 a Meloxicam (3.75mg) pill in the morning -- for Meloxicam, the dosing needs to be pretty precise so we are lucky he is right at 80 # and 1/2 is just a smidge over what he should get or we'd have to do the liquid form for more precise dosing. he gets 4 (2 pills 2 x day) 1000mg fish oils and 1/2 teaspoon glucosamine (Greyhound Gang's) daily as well. He gets a chiro adjustment every 4 weeks too. he's doing ok on all of this, so far at least. The laser treatments have helped, and we should be doing them a few times a week - but unfortunately our vet is over 30 minutes away one way PLUS Larry stresses out SOOOO badly going to the vet that I feel the stress would outweigh the benefit at this point. wow, 15! That is amazing. I really think the Meloxicam (like $10 for 90 day supply at Walgreen's with their Rx card, which can be used for dog Rx's!) helps as well as the Gaba. And honestly, I thought the Sore Back stuff would be a crock but we had to stop it for a week as Larry had a dental last Tuesday (3/26) and I could see the difference when he stopped getting it, and in just a couple days is back to his bouncy self. Good luck with your girl!
  13. I am so very sorry :( :cry1
  14. thanks, everyone I really appreciate the prayers and good thoughts. I am a mess. Bruce dropped him off at 8am. They didn't have me give any kind of sedative (or any of his 4 meds for that matter) this morning -- they will be giving him a form of valium right away as soon as they get the IV in to calm him down (they will give his regular meds via IV there too, Meloxicam/Tramadol and Gabapentin). he's supposed to be done first so hoping all will go really well and he does ok. I am scared sh*tless right now for him. I've heard SO many bad stories about dentals and especially in older dogs like him I'll update later when I hear.
  15. if you could spare a prayer or two for our sweet Larry - he is going in tomorrow morning as he has a large suspicious growth on the back roof of his mouth, and for a much-needed dental. At 12 years old, and the fact that he is utterly TERRIFIED of being at the vets - he shakes, pants and gets very stressed -- makes this very scary and very dangerous :cry1 If it wasn't absolutely necessary I would not be putting my baby through this. He is in the BEST of hands - but I am still so very scared and worried for my sweet Lare Bear. Any good thoughts and prayers will be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you Update 10:30am 3/26 - Dr. Finan just called, he did very good. The growth was just attached by a small piece of tissue so there wasn't a huge area to cut out or anything. He also had a little more gum that had overgrown removed as well. He is awake and she said he's doing ok and we can come pick him up at 1:30pm thank you again for the good thoughts and prayers! :
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