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Everything posted by Hubcitypam

  1. i think most feel 6 months is appropriate. You should be able to sign a spay agreement and/or send a deposit that you will have her spayed at 6 months.
  2. Thanks. He hasn't thrown up since the initial incident and he does seem better this morning. His size? you forget that Agent 00Poo is the Orson Welles of mini poos -- he was 25.2 yesterday but he is at the max heightwise at 12". I know he should be on the green bean diet. Maybe the drops and cefalexin are starting to work and that's all it was.
  3. Oh June. I am so sorry.
  4. Yesterday morning Poodle threw up then got up and fell over. He got back up and both his back legs were splayed way apart and he was walking like drunken sailor. He then fell down again and started crawling to me as I was in a fit of hysteria. I put him in the bed and called the vet. My vet was off and the other vet we know and love was in surgery until 3 so we had to see the new chick. When we got there the office manager watched him walk and wondered if it might have been a stroke. He could not stand up on the exam table so she had a tech come hold him. $135 later she said he had yeast in one ear and bacteria in the other so it was probably merely an ear infection throwing him off balance. We have ear drops and made a stop at the groomer to get his ears plucked again which I felt bad about but had to do. Two of his groomers have said he has the hairiest ears they had ever seen and if it really is an ear infection the drops and cleaner will work better. Last night he tried to get on the bed and fell. He passed the knuckling under tests and stuff but I am just terrified it is more than an ear infection.
  5. Poodle is very hot natured. The rest of us will be fine and he'll be on the hardwoods or the bathroom floor.
  6. You kids and your dual personalities! I second the human metacam. Somone has been getting it in Mexico for my crippled eternal foster for .05 a pill and he takes 1/2 daily.
  7. OMG Karen. There really are no words to describe my sympathy.
  8. My neighbors just have a list of #s if something goes wrong...adoption group to take the hounds if something dire happens to me, sisters # to take the Poodle, vet # (but they know it already). Adoption group can also come in handy if one of yours gets out. Vets and shelters often call groups first and that can expidite the homecoming.
  9. I'd have had serious vet frequent flier miles if I'd run in Rex every time he killed a squirrel. That dog was a squirrel seeking missle.
  10. No substitute for magic scab in a tube. Looks like Bass Pro Shop in Gurnee is the closest.
  11. Hmm. That might be a sticky wicket. It's mostly at farm stores tho some Bass Pro Shops have it. Are you in the city or what suburb?
  12. Problem is after the initial cleaning peroxide can also eat away the new tissue that is trying to grow back. Put the EMT gel on, watch him like a hawk and/or distract him while it scabs, then tape a plastic pink hair curler (at $1 store) over it. Worth a shot.
  13. Tail wounds can be hard to heal. What are you cleaning it with? Peroxide can actually impede healing. In my personal human experience keeping things tightly bandged takes a lot longer to heal too. I'm the fix things with spit and bailing wire gal so I'd probably try EMT gel (LynnM lovingly refers to it as "scab in a tube") and no bandage first.
  14. Oh goodness. I think Queenie and her brother were two of your first -- along with the brindle boy (Copper?) that I sprung from the FW pound. Run free sweet pea Hugs to you and Laura
  15. Agent00Poo gets them. He has never revealed his age but he was a young adult when I found him at K-mart 7.5 years ago.
  16. It was the only thing that worked when I went to heck and back with my colitis boy. These hoodlums now could pretty much eat anything but the Iams poos are hard to beat. BTW -- Jennifer4719 you were a greyt secret santa. I just washed some of those zillion toys that have managed to survive...
  17. It has Permethrin in it, but then so does Advantix....
  18. I had a foster that was allergic to Frontline Plus but was fine with the regular -- it is hard to find tho. I think either JB or Jeffers has it.
  19. Glad it went well. It probably was the Moraphine last time. When my Rex was so ill they gave it to him (after asking if I minded watching him throw up) and he fought it all night. It was a terrible experience. Again, so glad you guy is doing well. For Flash
  20. My good ole boy horse savvy neighbor said it probably hppened when he pulled her up...but I don't know enuf about horses to know that. Wendy, should we move this to rememberance?
  21. I know if she was running on brokn legs and her heart alone at the end and collapsed after the camras were off or not.... I'll be ebven moer furious if Mr. big mouth just keeps bragging and celebrating. Let me knows what happens. I can't watch.
  22. Run free big beautiful 17 hand girl. -- you were my pick. I knew it was bad when two ambulances blocked the track. You had the heart of a champion. Any celebration should be bit muted in respect for you.
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