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Everything posted by Hubcitypam

  1. Might be just a bout of colitis. Thoughts from here this afternoon.
  2. Your shed looks great! My neighbors would have a family of four living in there in no time flat.
  3. I agree. Frontline doesn't work for my guys either. I like Advantage a lot better! Word on the street here is that the flea swarms here this year are Frontline resistant. If you just have fleas and no ticks Advantage works WAY better. You could get some Adams spray to supplement. I actually like the way it smells.
  4. WalMart or Walgreens usually have Bag Balm. Cheaper at Wallyworld.
  5. How cute is that??!! And lots less creepy than some greasy haired stoner in a rusted out panel van. In my neighborhood it is guys on a bike with a big cooler on the front. Besides ice cream they all sell duros (fried wheat snacks) that are piled up so high they can't see where they are going.
  6. True - Advantix (and Biospot) both contain permethrin which in general is not so great to use on greyhounds. To be on the safe side one should avoid it if possible.
  7. In my world it seems if there are fleas they gravitate to the lightest colored dog.
  8. Oh my goodness Felicity. Lots of thoughts and prayers from here. My Harley had RMSF and the doxy worked well and fast. Best of luck.
  9. Hubcitypam


    Kathryn - Does that mean there is now just one (twinkie eating) greeter at the Greyhound Hall Of Fame? I can't remember.
  10. It is really bad around here so we get it...some protection is better than none. It is a yearly even if you are on a 3 year protocol on the others.
  11. When Rex was so sick if I could just get him to take one bite of anything we were home free as he'd go on and progressively eat other things, like hamburger and rice and sometimes even kibble. With him I never knew what would stoke his engine...hot dog, braunswager, sardine (usually worked cuz he loved them and they were smelly) freeze dried liver, cheese in a can (another fav), cream cheese, cheddar..if I could just get him to take that first bite he'd go on.
  12. I used vegetable oil and just worked it in under the edges a teeny bit at a time using my fingers. Q tips sound good.
  13. Welcome to Greytalk and greyhounds! Your girlie top be is beautiful! A Place For Us is in Lubbock if you ever want to (get a second grey). The group has a very wonderful, very grey savvy vet in Slaton that keeps adoption costs at West Texas prices. Also Dr. Culp in Amarillo owns greys himself and has a lot of equipment other vets in the area don't for more complex issues.
  14. It is a gel that LynnM calls "scab in a tube" and is probably what I'd put on it here. Looks like Sportsmans Warehouse in Portland carries it. Ring a bell?
  15. If you are talking lumbarsacral stenosis or the compression of the lower spinal column my Rex had it at 5. Dr. Mike Herron did his first depro medrol shot and then my vet did the rest using the guidelines in Dr. Stack's article on her Greythealth website. He went from unable to get off the couch to bounding up the stairs from the yard. The shot does NOT go into or close enough to hit the spinal cord and with Rex it lasted about 6 months or so for $75. It truely made all the difference in the world in his quality of life for two years until a disc between his shoulders ruptured into his spinal column and was inoperable. I am by an large not a believer in spinal surgeries for dogs, but that's just me. They are hard and very painful, and as one surgeon that looked at my yorkie said "no guarentee that it's not gonna happen next year with the next disc up". Look into accupuncture...I wish I'd have tried that with Rex's shoulder rupture. With Rex's shoulder tramadol, rimadyl and metacam didn't do anything. The only thing that worked for him was Deramaxx (at almost $4 a pill). We never had any side effects from it even though he had tummy issues in the past.
  16. I think the white will disappear quickly as soon as you leave it open at least some of the time. It doesn't look like anything to be too concerned about. I do believe in your vets advice and follow it for both the dogs and myself. If you keep it taped and bandaged and no air it takes a zillion times longer to heal. In my own self I have bandaged owies when I was going to be in wet or less than ideal situations at work, but let them breathe and heal uncovered at night.
  17. Trudy I guess it could be worse. I go to the library and just pull random mysteries off the shelf. The one I am reading now is "Moving is Murder" by Sara Rosett...about an Air Force wife that trips across a dead body before she has even unpacked her "Open First" box...
  18. Feel better soon GusMan! When Buck broke his toe my vet refused to spint it saying too often splints lead to sores or even worse, a stress fracture further up the leg. You are not a horrible Mom and I'm sure Gus will be fine soon.
  19. Thoughts and prayers from us to you
  20. I don't know. We are talking a town of 200,000 that is 350 miles from anywhere. He was just highly recommended by two other vets as the best in the city as far as amputation. The girl in our case was 3 years old, was HBC and honestly never missed a beat in recuperation. YMMV. ETA -- in people docs I have run across a board certified nutcase or two so don't place too much in that any more.
  21. $480 in Lubbock, TX with a 20% rescue discount for a front leg.
  22. Rex had corns, and they were harder, almost like a peppercorn. No fluid in corns that my guys have had. Buck did have a cyst between two toes near his pad.
  23. However, pick up some Strongid at the feed store and you'll be set.
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