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Everything posted by Hubcitypam

  1. I've never had one catch anything from me. Glad that you have a good nurse -- snuggle houndies are the best.
  2. She didn't say how she planned to use it though. "tis true...but we didn't have any under the weather dogs.
  3. This is a true story. A few weeks ago one of the kennel hands at work was coughing, hacking and under the weather. I KID YOU NOT she asked where a thermometer was as she couldn't find one in either dog first aid kit.
  4. The dose of Ivomec for heartworms is so tiny I can't imagine it being a problem. Are you talking bout the liquid cattle wormer?
  5. I'd just start tossing things at the board and see what sticks. When my Rex was so sick it seemed that I just had to get him starrted by hand feeding him something very tasty like sardines, liver treats, liver sausgage, chesee, etc. Then if he was on the futon or dog bed I'd put down a small bowl of wet food. He'd usually eat that and I could then get him to eat kibble with mix ins. The whole key for him was to prime the pump so to speak. He would have withered away if I'd waited for him to eat out of a bowl to start. I made homemade milk replacer (similar to your flip but with yoguurt) for the 9 pups next door and the mother was all about it. I just started soaking her kibble in milk repaceruntil it got good a gooey before I gave it to her. You and your charges are in our thoughts and prayers.
  6. :ditto When Poodle was attacked at the dog park the vet said using the shower massage twice a day would make it heal twice as fast and it did.
  7. When my Rex was sick and wouldn't eat if I could just get him started by hand feeding him his favorite things like a sardine, hot dog, liver treat, liver sausage, cat food, etc. Then he'd go right on and eat canned, then go right to kibble. I just had to get him to take that first bite. He wouldn't start out of hi bowl, but if I hand fed him to start he'd keep on eating.
  8. My "regular" vet charges $55 for the 2 minute once over and shots which is why we go to the shot clinic.
  9. Maybe keep an eye out for a possible disc problem? My yorkie would go from fine to wobbbly to unable to move and back again.
  10. When Poodle was attacked at the dog park it was an Aussie that started it. The owner came up to me as we were rushing to the vet and said her dog started it. She was a dog prk regulr so I said I'd talk to her later. She never came back. If she would have I'd have been hppy with half. I did assume some risk by taking Poodlum there.
  11. Fish oil is fine, but we prefer to get ours the nturl way in treats like sadines (especially in tomato sauce), tuna and jack mackrel. I personally don't like Advantix.
  12. Channey's Mom was putting it on her palms and inner arms. Because progesterone is very fat-soluble, it is easily absorbed through the skin. From subcutaneous fat, progesterone is absorbed into capillary blood. Thus absorption is best at all the skin sites where people blush: face, neck, chest, breasts, inner arms and palms of the hands.
  13. We have a teeny 5# girl maltese named Channey that comes to daycare. For quite a while channey's little hoo hoo was all swollen like you couldn't believe and everyone wanted to hump her poor little self. She really looked like she was in heat but not bleeding. The parents finally ended up spending close to $1,000 at the specialists in addition to the regular vet who was thinking maybe an ovary was missed at her spay. Mystery solved. Her Mom was using some sort of Estrogen cream and Channy was absorbing it when she was held or by licking when the woman didn't notice (as when she was asleep). The hormones made Channy's little body think it was preggers. Isn't that crazy?
  14. Yes. Ashley got out of her foster home when the front door blew open during a bad storm and she was hit by car. We ened up having to amputate her left front. The foster parents said she never missed a beat with the dog door. Hugs to you and your pupper.
  15. I had the exact thing happen to me with a dentist as mentioned above. I had always been an every 6 months girl and this new guy told me that I needed 12 fillings and two crowns -- six months after my last clear slate. Went to another dentist that said I just had a couple of spots that needed watching.... As far as vets, grey savvy is all good, but in my case a very grey savvy vet referred a nearby vet to me that he had the upmost respect for. In the last few years he has learned a ton about greyhounds, now works with adoption groups and is just an all around great guy. Grey savvy is vastly overrated in my book as far as basic routine care goes. Unless you have immediate breed specific needs find a highly recommended vet near you that is willing to become grey savvy. Greys are a bit different, especially in bloodwork, but they are dogs, not some bubble wrapped foreign being and most vets are aware of the differences in everyday non speciality care. I do think in some cases greyhound adopters as a whole sometimes oveerrate their dogs and make them into ultra special dogs that they are not. There are lots and lots of clinics that have successfully spayed and neutered TONS of greyhounds for $50 each. Good for you for walking out if it seemed like they were money mongers though.
  16. I only give it to Buck because he has to have it to go to work and play. I agree that fat happy house dogs that are not stressed would be very unlikely to catch kennel cough at the dog park. Add to that it only works about 1/2 the time.
  17. As far as I know it's the same shot, just different vet protocol. It drives me crazy at work when we call for vaccination records. There can be three vets on three different corners and one will say DHPP is good for one year on adult dogs, one will say two and the other will say three. It is totally subjective as best I can tell. We do tell the people whos vets insist on annual rabies for adult dogs they need to question their vet on that.
  18. Rabies every 3 years per law. Buck and Poodle are both about 8 and their next DHPP (on the 3 year plan) will be the last. I am on the fence about just lepto every year as Rogue at work died a nasty death from it last month. My vet (that I don't use for shots) said a few years ago lepto was very important and it really hit home with Rogues case. Some of it my depend on where you live.
  19. Erring on the side of caution would tell you to get him tested, especially if there is a mobile vet or low cost clinic. At the clinic here it is $20. If it has been very cold you would probably be OK. Just depends if you are a gambler or not -- odds are very good that he is fine, but only you can make the call.
  20. Naw. This too shall pass. He will be fine. Remember the microwave and top of the fridge are your best friends...
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