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Everything posted by Hubcitypam

  1. I've only used it for fosters with Scarpotic mange but had no problems. Your girlie is a cutie!
  2. As stated, generic Heartgard is staight Ivermectin tablets, which is the active ingredient in plain Heartgard -- just like Advil is Ibuprophen. Heartgard Plus has limited spectrum wormer in it as well. I've been using it for several years with no problems. I order from Pets Megastore in AU. The shot clinc where we get our annuls sells generic versions as well. Bio Spot just plain doesn't work for me. If you have just fleas get Advantage -- works wayyy better on fleas than Frontline. if you have fleas and ticks then get Frontline.
  3. I'll be glad to send you examples of chewed up/pushed out steel wool.
  4. The newer poisons work only on the animal that eats it first and have low to no secondary toxicity. I have a friend that does pest control and he said the reasom mice die from the bait is that the process food very poorly and must eat way more than, say dogs, in terms of mass to survive. In turn they consume huge quannties of the bait that your dog wouldn't even if it had the chance. If you are not there I see no reason not to just bait the house where the dogs can't get the bait (crawl space, attic, water heater) and have it all vermin free when you get there. As stated, snap and humane traps have to be monitored. You could end up paying big $$$ to have traps tended. Poison in my mind is way more humane than glue traps. signed - The woman who had a shed torn down out back when I moved in and the rats and mice invaded my house. Peanut butter in snap traps did not work. Sewing popcorn to the snap traps did not work. Humane traps did not work. They chomped right thru steel wool more times thn I can count.
  5. Humane traps and that sound great in principle, but the nasty buggers by and large are laughing at you and breeding like crazy while you are trying to be nice to them. I tried twice when I moved in houses with humane traps and snap traps. Never again. Close your eyes and call a pest guy.
  6. That's easy. It would be Ivermectin. Not exactly, I am talking about a pill form of hw prevention- is what they are saying they will fill generically-Anyhow, I just don't agree with petmeds because-plain and simple-you don't know what you're getting and you could possibly be putting your animal at risk or not preventing what you want to prevent (as stated by freemandvm)-We have seen it first hand.... I am also talking about pill form of heartworm prevention. My guys get the generic version of ivermectin in pill. Same active ingredient -- just like Advil is ibuprofen, there are lots of generic HW meds like Triheart, Valueheart, etc. If generic is good enough for me it's good enogh for my dogs. Of course, I've been using inhalers made by Smithkline Glaxo from Mexico for quite a while now. They have worked fine and have saved me more than $1,000, I feel fine ordering from AU or Canada, but I wouldn't order my dogs meds from a third world country. A vet friend told me that Heartgard is overpriced ovehyped cheapo stuff and if you do a bit of homework you can do WAYYY better....
  7. General berry? She should be fine. This too shall pass.
  8. My antidepressant dosage is needs to be 60 mg. The doc writes me a script for 40 and another for 20.
  9. Doxy is also a $4 Wally World script here. As stated before, and just now in another thread, my vet charges people that don't know and don't care full price and encourages them to do one stop shopping with him at a premium. If you are in rescue and/or dog savvy he is more than willing to work with you on less costly options. He gladly calls stuff into Sams for me, but doesn't volunteer that to his general wealthy clientle unless they ask, and they usually don't. When Rex was so sick we were in the waiting room one day with three purse dogs. One Momma told me that she got her Silkypoo for "only $1,200 because it was a mistake litter". When I checked out that day I told the receptionist "tell me he can be so good to me because you charge the purse dog mothers more" and I think that is what they do. They don't charge more, but they don't make cost cutting suggestions. A little bit of Robin Hood maybe but it works for me.
  10. The heartworm dose of Ivermectin is so tiny there is a pretty big margin for error. Dr. Stack and my vet both said a greyhound could basically eat a carton of Heartgard (I think one said "all they could stand in") without taking in a dangerous dose of Ivermectin.
  11. Oh no. Both my other battles with back and neck issues did not have happy endings, Thanks tho.
  12. Buck started last night just screaming out for no reason. He has done it while taking treats and while lying in his bed. He woke me up twice in the night from his bed. I have gone over every inch of him many times to no avail and he is not limping. I started him on Metacam as I have it on hnd, but any idea what it might be? Of course I'm worried it might be osteo so if that could be a cause let me know. My vet is really open to discussion so if I could have some ideas that would be great.
  13. I know I'm in the minority, but pumpkin has never done a darn thing for any dog with loose stools here.
  14. I hear you Robin. I was always worried about Rex too as he was so stoic. I just tried to look at his general demeanor and his eyes and did the best I could. BTW -- Both the human version of Metacam (Meloxicam -- pill) and tramadol are $4 scripts at Wal Mart here. to you and Loca both
  15. I've really never had much luck with pumpkin....
  16. When poodle was almost disembowled and got a stitch or two out both my vet and Dr. Stacksaid water therapy would make it heal way faster and it did. He was smaller than yours, but flushing the wound a couple of times a day with the shower massager really worked. I know tht doesn't really answer your question...
  17. Thoughts and prayers from here. Run free among the stars sweet old girl.
  18. I wouldn't call Dormitor a mild sedative. That is what the drive thru vet for the all breed rescue used to neuter Roy.
  19. The vaccine companies are not the ones making the call here. They are offering products and have all but quit producing the one year vaccine. It is the states and the vets that are making the call. One of the reasons they still make the one is that there are vets in 2 and 3 year states that WANT to give a one because the person has to come back in a year. I deal with vets all day everyday getting shot records. Texas is a 3 year state and there are vets that will only give one year rabies to mature dogs with vaccination histories. They are ripping off the client as well as doing the dog a disservice. With DHLPP (no to corona and lyme for me ESPECIALLY corona). Vets disagree if it is good for one, two, or three years. My first grey died of Immune mediated hemolytic anemia after her shots and it was a terrible death. We went to 3 year on DHLPP then and not boosters on that after 7 or 8. Will always keep rabies per the law and it seems rabies isn't usually the problem maker...it's the 4-5-6-7 way cocktail. Some prefer to spread those out but I can't afford it.
  20. There ARE two versions of rabies vaccines. They may or may not be identical, but some are sold as a 1 year and some as 3 year. The woman from the State of Texas explained to me that three year vaccines usually have three in their name. Example for a couple of on line sources that sell rabies for the states where it does not have to be dministered by the vet. Rabvac3 -- Fort Dodge -- 3year $11.95 at one supplier Defensor3 -- Pfizer -- 3 year $11.95 at supplier Rabdomun -- Schering Plough -- 1 year $12.95 at supplier She did tell me that most vets just order the three year even if laws require 1 year because more is made (about 40 states have gone to three year) and they can get it cheaper.
  21. There ARE two vaccines. They may or may not be identical, but some are sold as a 1 year and some as 3 year. The woman from the State of Texas explained to me that three year vaccines usually have three in their name. Example for a couple of on line sources that sell rabies for thr states where it does not hve to be dministered by the vet. Rabvac3 -- Fort Dodge -- 3year $11.95 at one supplier Defensor3 -- Pfizer -- 3 year $11.95 at supplier Rabdomun -- Schering Plough -- 1 year $12.95 at supplier She did tell me that most vets just order the three yer even if laws require 1 year because more is made (about 40 states have gone to three year) and they can get it cheaper.
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