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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. I'm so sorry Pat. Your boy will be missed by so many who have never even met him.
  2. Judy your Jack is in my thoughts and prayers.
  3. Kristin I'm so sorry that Miss Bonnie had to leave. I know so well that sudden turn and then that horrible hole. But in truth she will always be with you, tucked away in your heart. Go find Jack Bonnie. He always thought you were awfully pretty.
  4. Misty love all the very best sweetheart. You need to ace this one!!! Everything crossed.
  5. Jackandgrey


    I'm so sorry for everyone who loved that sweet baby. You have fun at the bridge baby girl.
  6. So having got all the happy emotie out of the way. Thank God! Now you just need to deal with her highness. Good luck and lucky you. Truly! We love you Darcy.
  7. I'm glad he ate Robin. I know how distressing this is. I have all parts that can cross, crossed for your sweet boy.
  8. Congratulations Holly. He is adorable. He must move like Josh - not exactly light on his feet We're very happy happy for you all!
  9. Congratulations Kathy and Keith. Black! It's catchy. Welcome Home Brogan!!!
  10. I'm sorry. Beth you watch over your family sweetie. Especially those ceiling fans.
  11. I'm so sorry your beautiful boy had to leave you. Run free and well with all our babies sweetheart.
  12. She is just beautiful. I love her dark face and that scared little tail
  13. Bev I truly understand. With Jack it was so different. Because I chose pallitive care for him, I promised him he would not ever have to go back to the vet unless of course it was for something treatable for which it would be irresponsible not to take him. So I never planned to do follow up xrays of any kind - just to treat all symtoms as they occured. He made it so easy for me and I was able to keep that promise. But I don't think you could anesthetize her without checking her lungs could you? And if she God forbid, had mets, I really wouldn't do a dental. But she has no symptoms!!! So she is going to be fine. We love you Darcy Deerhound
  14. OMG What everybody else has said!!!! I am so very happy for you and for Monty. What a glorious thing. Oh and this guy for good measure!
  15. I know your pain and I'm so sorry for it. Festus was such a beautiful boy and so obviously loved. Run like like a pup sweetheart.
  16. He left in a sunbeam. How beautiful. I'm sorry he had to leave you Isaac. I'm glad he had a wonderful life with you. Rest well Dowland.
  17. Jake honey, you settle down and get well baby.
  18. Robin I so hope this is the start of Beau being on his way to feeling better finally. I know how hard this has been.
  19. Metacam is simply one of the NSAIDS. I used it for Jack along with Tramadol for his osteo. He tolerated very well and it worked in combination exceptionally well. Jack did not have amp and chemo.
  20. Of course Lewis will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  21. My Jack had 6 happy healthy months without amputation. We were so fortunate. There is always hope. And we are still hoping that Dr. Coutu can give you even better news. Your boy is beautiful!
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