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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. Hey Sophie you beautiful girl. Welcome home!!
  2. Bye Bye sweet Penny. Look out for your mummy and daddy sweetheart.
  3. Oh my Lord how sad for you. What a wonderful life he had.
  4. What a shock for you. What a wonderful group of people there are here. So much knowledge and willingness to share. It is humbling so reassuring.
  5. I hope all is well Amber. I've been sending all kinds of positive thoughts!!!!
  6. Good luck Amber. I'll be thinking of you and Soul.
  7. What a terrible thing to hear. I wish for good days for Stormy and you.
  8. Carrie was her Rabies done in Calgary or in the States? I can cwwrtainly find out if it was Calgary. However if it said 1 year it probably was 1 year.
  9. Amber I wish I could go with but you know we will all be there.
  10. Jack was very very shy but I wouldn't ever call him a spook. He is great at home;much less so away from home but so much better than when he first came home. Josh is on the other end of shy. Probably more cautious than shy and he more easily overcomes his unease even after only 6 weeks home. Jilly doesn't have a shy bone in her body.
  11. Jackandgrey


    What are we going to do without Gumby? I'm so sorry.
  12. Bodie, sweetheart, thank you for your fight and your gift to so many others. You were a special hound indeed. We will miss you. Bless you Rhonda and I'm so sorry for the pain in your heart.
  13. He's your baby Amber and it's okay to lose it. It's not going to be lymphoma. His HGE is getting better and he is sooo happy to be home with you. It's all going to be good. Jack says!
  14. Just a last check in Amber. I know how hard this is. He has been a sick boy and it's going to take a bit for him to settle; for his gut to settle. But he's home and things will get better
  15. Hurry home well Soul. We love you sweetie.
  16. Jan my heart is hurting. Go get those bunnies Mac. You will be missed sweetheart.
  17. Good girl Misty. And that's the way to work it sweetie - mooshies and fabulous pumpkin cookie treats!!!!
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