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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. I'm so sorry Tom. You're love for Ember just shone through every word you ever wrote. I know your pain. But how lucky we are to have had such wonderful souls in our lives and now, forever in our hearts. Your Ember will always be with you. Run free and fast Ember. Look out for my Jack okay sweetheart?
  2. I have booties for him Amanda. Laura made them and dropped them off at my place. Thank you Susan, I will get those from you. Laura?? Is that Coney's mom? Yes. Who is now lounging in the sun as we speak!!
  3. I have booties for him Amanda. Laura made them and dropped them off at my place.
  4. Geez Amanda! Is he concious? You need to get him checked, His ears. His feet. ASAP!!
  5. I'm so sorry about Cricket. What a happy girl. I know the shock of doing so well and then not. I know the utter heartbreak too. Her happiness is not measured by calendar days so if this is her time I have no doubt she would have not one regret. If it's not, well what a blessing.
  6. Orijen doesn't have grain or potato. It has a chicken formula and a fish formula.
  7. Frosty sweety what did you do? Vinny there are no words really.
  8. I'm glad that sweet boy is home with you and that each day is a better than the one before.
  9. It hurts so much to say goodbye. I'm so very sorry. Your Smiley sounds like the perfect dog.
  10. I know how difficult that phone call is. Have a peaceful last journey Morgan and let those you love you know you made it safely.
  11. Oh baby. I'm so glad you're home and all that awful stuff is over. Imagine your mummy making you do all that. You come and live with us sweetie okay? Feel better very soon Wayne and B9.
  12. Oh Lewis I'm glad those feet are getting better sweetheart.
  13. So tomorrow everything is going to go perfectly for our Wayne!!
  14. Welcome to you and your gorgeous pups fro Winnipeg
  15. I would sure want to hear some science Pam. There doesn't seem to be a lot of sense to that unless the formulation was very different in the two vaccines.
  16. Christie I'm so happy for you. He's lovely. Argos is smiling for sure.
  17. Cathie I'm so very sorry. Your Annie was so beautiful and I know how badly your heart is hurting. There are so any pups for her to run with and sun with including my boy that I have no doubt she is just fine now, looking out for you and Bill and all who loved her.
  18. You're with many of the best sweet boy.
  19. My best boy Jack. My heart left on November 21st.
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