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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. I prefered the maloxicam and I preferred the liquid. It is better for the gut than a pill. Same goes for the metacam itself.
  2. It can go in food although I always squirted it into Jack's mouth and followed up with a tasty treat. I just needed to know he got it. It should be given in conjunction with food though you probably know that.
  3. I chose not to do amputation with Jack. I started him on the meloxicam and Tramadol immediately even though his pain level was not high. It is important to not let bone pain get ahead of you. He had a very happy comfortable 6 months. We were very lucky. But I was not shy about giving him what pain meds he needed.
  4. It is important to map out a plan. If you choose not to do the amp having the pain meds on hand and don't be afraid to use them. Know you will need to increase as needed. Circle of Greys was a big help to me. Absolutely re the pain meds!
  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your boy. I lost my Jack to osteo in the femur in November but I did not do amp and chemo as that wasn't right for him. We had 6 good months. For sure this is the hardest time for you and Ranger but for sure it will get better and hopefully for a very long time. Unfortunately you are in good company here.
  6. That's my Josh. Naked as baby bird. He loves his jammies.
  7. I'm so sorry. I know exactly how you feel. This was the same decision I made for Jack. It was the right one and I am so at peace with it. You know and love your dog best. There are going to be challenges for sure but please don't second guess yourself and feeling guilty is just wasting your precious time with your baby.
  8. I'm so sorry. I'm glad she was able to leave on a happy day. I know how much it hurts. My boy will be thrilled to meet her. And their legs don't hurt anymore.
  9. I'm so sorry. How very sad. My heart aches for you. May your days be wonderful sweet boy.
  10. How is he doing this afternoon? Is he resting? That is so important to healing both his and yours!
  11. This is so unbearably sad. I am so sorry Chrissy. There are just no words to help. Specky sweet boy you run to Gino and the two of you watch over your mummy.
  12. Oh Jake honey. I hope it's all gone by Monday Janet.
  13. I think she said both but maybe I am mixed up, I will look at the d/c instructions tonight.He is coming home at 6 pm. It can certainly be both. Good luck Karen!!!
  14. While it is not impossible it is VERY VERY rare for there to be osteo in another limb Robin. The other leg is being asked to do a lot of work it didn't have to do before. It was front leg she lost right? The front legs take almost all the weight and shock so the remaining leg is working very hard. It will be mechanical/muscular. This is a physio issue
  15. No one will judge you for having your vet do the procedure! That's your loving decision alone. So now our job is pray and chant that Monty will be fine!!!!
  16. Claudia Misty is in my thoughts. If we could only all collectively will her to eat and be well!!
  17. Misty how are you sweetheart> Getting ready for tomorrow? Saving your energy to eat in the morning? It's important sweetie.
  18. I so wish no else ever had to make this post. I'm sorry you have to. We will be with you all the way with whatever choices you make for your baby. for you and kisses for Mango.
  19. I'm so sorry. There are so many new angels at the bridge lately it just makes the heart ache. Go find my Jack sweetie and explore together.
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