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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. Oh nuts Amber. Soul sweetie you do not need to be doing this. We are all worried for you. I'm glad you can get the Flagyl Amber. keep us posted.
  2. Hey Amber! Maybe with any luck it's just a passing thing this time. I know how terrifying it is after last time. But I think you're wise to just give him a light meal of of the canned and see how he goes tonight. And we'll cross all crossable appendages that whatever it was it's over.
  3. I'm so sorry Judy. Your girl was so beautiful. I'm crying for you and for me. I so wish this this hadn't happened but she is in very good company. Rest pain free Renie and watch over your mum.
  4. Hey Bonnie you keep fighting as long as it's right for you and we'll all keep praying for you sweetie.
  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your baby. It seems like an epidemic lately. May your days be long and many yet.
  6. I'm so sorry. He has a fine group of friends there to meet him. He won't be lonely. I promise.
  7. Robin first to you. Second take a really big breath in and out. You're so right. You cannot ping pong back and forth between all the advice on this thread. Beau is a sensitive boy. Whatever is wrong the stress probably first from Polli and now with him is no doubt aggravating everything. You need to be calm and not stress about his eating. You've outlined a plan. Relax now and go with it. I know he's lost weight. He may lose a little more BUT he will get well and start to put it on again. I really believe this.
  8. I KNOW he is going to be okay Claudia. Of course he needs an anesthetic. I wouldn't want to be doing that delicate surgery around a mouth unless he was very still. And then soon he will be home with you right as rain eating ice cream!!!
  9. Anxiously waiting to hear and hoping so much for a soft tissue injury.
  10. Yup we want that thing off with clean margins. So all fingers, toes and paws crossed in this house for a successful procedure Claudia!
  11. Jackandgrey

    My Jack

    I lost my first, my Jack recently too. i know how you are hurting. I'm so sorry.
  12. I'm so sorry. Your boy fought so hard. He loved you so much.
  13. I'm so sorry she had to leave but I know she will be tucked under your heart forever. Rest well sweetheart.
  14. Oh dear Smokey. Another baby gone. I'm so sorry.
  15. Wishing Ranger pain free thoughts and speedy healing and his mum a bucket full of marbles for Christmas It is awful isn't watching them in pain and desperately trying to fix it.
  16. Oh my goodness I missed all this. I'm so sorry Robin that Beau has been going through all this and you too. It always seems like things all gets piled on. I'm so glad things are starting to improve for your boy. As for the ingredient list - hey whatever works at this point!!
  17. Oh I'm so sorry this is happening to Alan and to you guys. I know how very worrying and wearing it is. Watching them hurt and not being able to fix it. I know with Jack just panicking about how to get him outside almost did me in. You and sweet Alan are in my prayers.
  18. What a roller coaster of emotion it all is. Good boy Monty!!
  19. Yay for Santa's elves and for good days. May there be many many of them.
  20. My deepest sympathies to all of you who loved Ranch. To all of us who cheered him on and prayed for him to pull through. Run free and fast sweet boy. You were loved.
  21. I don't have experience with that form of cancer BUT whatever your decision it is the right one. You are not obliged to do amp and chemo to prove to anyone that you are "good" owner. If that is not the right decision for you and Abbey then it will be respected here.
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