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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. It definitely looks better Janet. Here's hoping with all things crossed!
  2. Hilda I'm so sorry. So very sorry. I am so sick of this disease. You have had so many losses my heart is just breaking for you. Run free and strong Gogh. We'll miss you baby.
  3. Just a note about the alone training or crate training. He knows you are in the house even when you are in the basement so he is likely to whine and cry. You really have to be gone for him to learn to settle and be "alone".
  4. Oh dear! I can hardly wait to see you post in cute and funny!! I hope he feels better tomorrow poor boy.
  5. Amber that's great news. However in my mind it isn't above and beyond, just , unfortunately not common. That is what any medical practitioner should do. That's what separates an okay doctor and an exceptional one, the interest and intellectual curiosity to find out more about whatever the problem. That and compassion of course. I'm so glad Soul and you found one of the latter.
  6. I'm so sorry for the loss of your boy. I know he will leave a hole in your home but he is there in your heart forever.
  7. I'm so sorry. She looks like a lady that would make her own decisions.
  8. I'm sorry Pam. Please tell his mum I'm so sorry for the loss of her boy.
  9. What a roller coaster for you. I am thrilled you finally have a final answer and the news is so wonderful
  10. Migrating IS walking your dog. A structured walk. Dogs are genetically programmed to migrate in search of food, shelter and territory. It is the term that most behaviorists use to describe "roaming in search of". It's just a word to describe the style of walking that a dog does when he or she is on a mission. Numerous times, i've made people change their walking styles because their dogs can not handle having a territory. The dogs have severe anxiety. Edited to add: We, humans, tend to be guilty of applying human psychology to our canine companions. We assume our dogs enjoy leisurely walks where they get to stop every 3 feet and urinate. We often think "wow, how can one dog pee so much?". That is because your dogs stops and lifts it's leg or squats and lets a little urine out at a time but always seems to have some in reserve. The truth is, they are marking "their territory" and this gives them anxiety! Think about it, everyday you do this leisurely walk where your dog marks every spot that he or she can. The next day, you go on another leisurely walk and your dog starts sniffing the same spots and realizes that some other dog has come along and marked over the area that they claimed the day before. This happens every day, 7 days a week for a month to a year. Wouldn't you feel anxious over "who's been invading my territory?" That would be like someone entering your house every day and you couldn't stop them from sitting on your couch and watching. You have NO control over the situation. All you can do is repeatedly ask for that person to leave your house but, yet, they never do. Dogs do not see the world as us, they see it in terms of what is theirs and what is not. Of course this is is also assuming we know what they are feeling when they mark, don't ya think?
  11. Shhhh Don't let mine know about the deprived life yours lead. They'd pack their bowls and move
  12. Have a peaceful journey Coach. There are friends waiting for you sweetheart.
  13. My heart is going out to you and Coach. I know what a horrible emotional rollercoaster this is when all you want is peace for your baby. Have a good sleep Coach and a much better day tomorrow sweetie.
  14. Sweet gentle Ceasar. It was way too soon baby. I'm so sorry Deb. I know how much this hurts. How shocking and painful. How even with all the rest of them there is such a big hole right now in your home. My heart hurts for you. Caesar was such a well loved hound Deb. I know in my heart he didn't regret a single day of his life with you. You go find Jack Caesar and the two of you go ahead and kick up your heels at the bridge. We'll see you when we get there.
  15. Misty I hope you are feeling better honey girl. You certainly are going the long way round those numbers baby.
  16. Jake sweetie that eye just has to heal now. Good luck Janet. Everything crossable is crossed.
  17. Caesar lived a life full of love with you Deb. I'm so unbearably sorry his time was cut short. I know how terribly hurt your heart is. Please know you have the love and support of all your friends here. Susan
  18. Misty sweetie I'm sending you a cyber cuddle. I wish I could give you a real one. Feel all better sweetheart. And please let the numbers be good!
  19. Deb with any luck the cycle is broken and he can be controlled. Sweet Caesar will be in my thoughts and prayers you know that.
  20. Oh Deb I am hoping and praying He is okay. I can only imagine how horrifying and terrifying this must be. I will be waiting for an update and you have to know how much we all care.
  21. I'm so sorry Judy. There are no words I can think of except to say Jack knew he was cherished every day of his life with you. You and Renie run and play now sweetheart and look out for your family left behind.
  22. My Jack lived for 6 months with osteo with pain control only. He was happy and healthy always . I let him go the as soon as I knew that would no longer be true if I let him go on for a day longer. Truly he did not suffer. They are all different but pain control is absolutely the key and being conservative with analgesia is not helpful. By that I mean I varied his dosage depending on his day and and his condition. I also recognize we were very lucky. Bless you on your journey with your baby. It is so hard.
  23. Jack you are in my thoughts sweet boy. My Jack is watching over you,
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