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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. I am so sick of this disease. BUT your Willie is going to do great and this is the best place to be going forward. Kisses for your boy and hugs to you.
  2. You are so beautiful Bonnie and so strong. Keep going baby!
  3. Take a big deep breath and run to your heart's delight beautiful boy. I'm sorry Heather.
  4. I'm so sorry Bev. So much sadness for you and Marc this week. My heart hurts for you. I'm glad Radar and Wallace can snuggle forever together.
  5. Jackandgrey


    Oh Tena I am so so sorry. How devastating. I can't believe this has happened. Please know my heart is with you. There are so many to keep your boy company. He won't be lonely.
  6. Oh Flashy baby. It's very good to be home isn't it sweetheart?
  7. Flashy WILL be fine!!! That's all there is to it! sweetheart
  8. Misty you are keeping your mama on her toes little girl! Keep eating sweetie.
  9. Bev I'm sorry. Jack can help him find all the very best places to eat.
  10. Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry it was time. Your mummy and dad are going to miss you so much. Rest well now love.
  11. Claudia I missed this. I'm sorry Misty is feeling poorly. You are so right. This just sucks. Eat something little sweetheart. We're all worried about you, especially your mummy.
  12. Run free and healthy at the bridge now sweetheart. You will be missed. to your loving family who are hurting now.
  13. Jackandgrey

    Baba's Joe

    Oh I know. Five years is not nearly enough. Run free now Joe.
  14. Another beautiful gray faced boy has left us. I'm so sorry Judy and Mike. How sad that you weren't there but you know he knew how loved he was as he left to find his Emmy. Somehow it it's comforting to know they are there together now. Not alone.
  15. Have a peaceful journey Jed in the arms of those who love you best.
  16. Having just sent my Jack on this last journey I know how painful and how intensly sad this is for you. My heart goes out to you and your husband. Run free now baby. There is no more pain for you.
  17. She was so beautiful. I know how hard it is. My thoughts are with you.
  18. That's just too hard right now. He was so beautiful.
  19. Five years ago last September, I set off on a two day drive on a stomach turning adventure. I had only ever met three greyhounds and I was going to get my very own. What was I thinking? There he was! My Jack. My greyhound. He was a black boy which I had asked for. And he was beautiful which I had hoped for. But he was so shy; so scared. I was too. We made our way back across the country from Calgary to Winnipeg the both of us scared to death. I had no idea what I was doing and was so afraid I was going to ruin him. With help from my group, from friends in our local greyhound group and lots of patience and so much love, my sweet boy blossomed. At least at home. And he and his Grandma bonded over their lunchtime chicken soup and other illicit treats. Away from home, unless he was with his grey friends, the world was still a scary place for him. Two years later his dear Grandma was dying. She was in a palliative care unit and desperately missing her Jack. I knew how scared he would be but she needed him. So one evening shortly before she died, I took him into this strange building, onto an elevator which he had never done before and then down the long hall into her room. She had saved him some food from her supper. My heart dropped. This ritual had always been so important to her but Jack would never take any food outside his own home, ever! I thought my heart would break with her disappointment. But my boy walked up to her, put his head on her bed, and took the piece of ham she offered him. My good brave boy. I loved him even more and was grateful for that gift he gave her, more than I can ever say. After his Grandma died, we made the trip back to Calgary to bring his sister Jilly home. She provided a buffer for him from the world and gave him more confidence. He loved having a sister. He even got brave enough to lie down in his own backyard! The world never got to see his silly self. Flinging stuffies in the air. Chasing me down the stairs into the living room and pouncing. Giving me a huge smile as if to say I got you mum. He loved the night time and going for walks in the dark. I guess he thought no one could see him. Then this May the limp. The diagnosis. The monster. Jack decided that he needed to stay around for longer than I hoped and dreamed. We had a wonderful summer. There were days when I couldn't believe he was sick at all, that there must have been a mistake. But as the summer wore on and his world got smaller, no more walks, no more car trips and his leg got shakier, it was very apparent that it was real. But he never really was in any pain till one day at the end and he was always happy. In his final months, he even forgot to be afraid. It was like he couldn't be bothered with that nonsense anymore. His last evening he lay in my arms on his own bed in his own house with his sister and brother lying beside him and left us, peacefully, to be healthy once again. Where no one will stop him from running and his leg won't hurt. Jack I will never forget how you would bound across the field to me when I opened my arms and called to you. I will be forever humbled by the trust you placed in me to keep you safe. I won’t forget how you would cruise in sideways like a docking boat for a cuddle. How you loved the girl dogs. How you would lie across the room and just stare at me like I was special and worthy. I will never forget your sweet white face that just begged to be kissed and that will live in my heart forever. You came such a long way my special boy. You were the best and most perfect dog. I was blessed with you. Thank you. I will love you forever. Nite nite sweetheart.
  20. I'm so sery sorry. My Jack and your beautiful Brook will have crossed the bridge together. I'm glad they weren't alone.
  21. I'm so sorry. I know how your heart is hurting. Run and play now sweetie.
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