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Everything posted by macoduck

  1. Busted! I think she's telling you that you forgot everything on her grocery list.
  2. vincent800, I have a friend who used scents to help her blind dog stay oriented in her multi dog house. I'll ask her what she used.
  3. This might work: https://www.optivizor.com/ Or perhaps a harness with an extended front "bumper". Enter "blind dog harness bumper" on Google and you'll see several manufacturers. https://www.amazon.com/Accesories-Protection-Harness-Guiding-Anti-Collision/dp/B0CJCV4HKW/ref=sr_1_7?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.WaxM4t6laoDkGiW_SeUwg2acUozsa6InWTQBvypNJ0NgKr860bhitf2PmBNLWRtZzOBFN-yFHLFa-R6W6bOjO_c9DQNuDzAV_nTrQpUAqDLE4WgopEUBMusRVuCC0yqCoPGUtNHM3u5ni0WfvLFOEQJv_8h0tapAnfuhYtuAjOlMT2nc1jKePvEKZSte2sJg1UMe5xGiKPe7DyBqPF_Ju3WFU581Qvu9ISfPdV6RmIpb8DoXBCeCGtuufLxSBgX4AcKvbs8l5mEh_KTzrhhItIt4ClB2Ktimvbqe5q67Gu4.cel1Vge5FuCcwSFtn7s3hDtnbub1I2vVBV6sRGfzhck&dib_tag=se&keywords=Blind%2BDog%2BBumper&qid=1710100215&sr=8-7&th=1
  4. My new Irish girl, Flashy, has been with us for a month. I wasn't surprised that she had loose stool after the stress of traveling and a food change. Fortunately, although gooey at times, it was not full blown diarrhea. This week Flashy met my vet for a new dog wellness exam and I asked for a fecal test. Instead of the usual fecal test he suggested the Keyscreen GI Parasite PCR panel by Antech. Although her pre-travel testing showed her to negative, this test showed her positive for Giardia duodenalis. This explains how Antech works and finds moe than the typical float or ELISA tests. https://www.antechdiagnostics.com/keyscreen2/ https://www.antechdiagnostics.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/KeyScreen-Educational-Support_Giardiosis_Digital_020323.pdf This test was sent out on Friday and vet texted the results in 24 hours. Cost $65. I'll pick up medicine on Monday.
  5. And book a room now for the Sidney James Motor Lodge! Booking now gets you a better room location. You have until the day before the event to cancel.
  6. Jan, just to be safe I looked outside and I did knot see any snow surrounding my she shed. My she shed with angel Georgie.
  7. Has Mark passed the french fry eating test and not had any drop out of his mouth whilst chomping?
  8. Meclizine is an over the counter pill for seasickness and nausea. Same formula as Dramamine but without the high price tag. If the drooling is indeed from nausea then ask your vet about it. I've only found it in smaller pharmacies but have also ordered it from Amazon. https://www.petmd.com/pet-medication/meclizine-nausx-dogs-and-cats Are you in the US or UK?
  9. Aaron, if you're on Facebook, there's this page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GreyhoundswithSLO/discussion/preview
  10. Oh dear, however will Mark be able to keep frenchie fries from falling out the side of his mouth?
  11. With the Fi you would need to have the base device at the sitter's house and set a new zone. No base needed with Whistle or Trackr. Your sitter would need to have the Whistle app on her phone where she can easily check what % of charge is left. I charge mine once a week, which by then might be down to 80%. I don't like it lower than that because if I have to activate the search mode during an escape, with each of these systems the battery would drain faster. I do wish these systems could be monitored on a computer though.
  12. I ditched my Fi2. There are even more complaints on the Fi3. Customer service practically nil. But surprisingly when I emailed to cancel I was surprised that they pro-rated a refund for the remaining months of my contract. There's plenty of hate for it on the Fi Collar Owners FB page. If your membership expires, the device won't work. It comes with its own charging base. You also get a collar with it the is notorious for breaking and losing the gps device. Many users buy Etsy-made collars or pouches for them. Both Trackr (no e) and Whistle are good. I have Whistle on 3 of my hounds. Customer service is responsive and helpful. Whistle doesn't have a charging base. It comes with a cord but can be charged with an android type cord. Each of these devices will cease to work at expiration. I pay $99 per dog yearly. The Whistle collar comes with 2 attachments. I use the one that clips on around a collar. The second has a velco wrap for larger collars. Don't even consider the AirTags or the like unless you are in the city. They are useless in the countryside.
  13. Welcome back,Kayra. Are you on Facebook? If so, it's kinda easy to share your photos from there: on FB click on the photo and select copy image link, return to GT and paste. Your image will be too big to post so when you see your photo do a left double click. In the box that pops up only change the size by entering 444 or 333 in the left side box, the right box will adjust itself.
  14. I am so sorry that it was your boy's time to leave you. I will add Max's name to the list of Bridge Angels here on Greytalk.
  15. The original post is 3 years old and they haven't looked at any replies since November 2020.
  16. Punkin, I presume that potted tree looked very dry and needed attention. Hada used to hike her leg and simultaneously squat, almost like a curtsy, but she got that pee where she wanted it to go.
  17. I don't trust Dr Morgan's propaganda at all. Additional negative comments here on FB: https://skeptvet.com/Blog/2024/01/science-science-denial-drug-development-a-response-to-dr-judy-morgan/?fbclid=IwAR2H1vCYajl-koVfZwF0NoiqLtR8lXFIgFNGhsnHNj49ynzSNMCH1Hi597E
  18. It's been 13 days since Howie's first injection. By the end of the first week I saw improvement. Now he is more flexible when coming up off his bed in the morning. I am also seeing him more active during the day as well. And perhaps I'm reading too much into his facial expression, but I am not seeing pain there anymore. Regarding the FB page, the bad stories about Librela are scary so I no longer view the page. I see the different opinions akin to discussions about dog food brands that are good vs horrible.
  19. Say hello to my new girl from Ireland, Freshy (Droopys Fresh). She'll be 8 years old in April, was in 17 races and won 3, and had one littler of 6 puppies. Greyhound Friends of NC has been bringing over hounds from Ireland and the UK. Freshy flew over Feb 7th and she joined our podenco pack on Feb 10th. She's a BIG girl that my littles can walk right under. This was the only photo I saw of her, posing with Millie the small dog tester for the Irish Retired Greyhound Trust. Freshy looks petite to me, but alas, objects in the mirror are not smaller than they appear. Tell me you're a big dog without telling me you're a big dog. Each bed is 36"x26" Dinner time She did great on the 3 hour car ride home. Doesn't mind going out in the rain to potty. And she even has a few white fur spots on her back. I FB messaged her training kennel and got an immediate reply back: Hi, thanks for reaching out. We always called fresh “freshy”. She’s always had a lovely temperment. She bred one litter and we intended to breed her again but she had fertility issues. She may have had a couple of niggles in her race career but nothing major. She has a little indent on her neck where she got a bite when she was a pup from one of her litter comrades. Fresh thrives off routine. She’s very clever and knows her kennel. You could let her off anywhere on the property and she would always head back to her exact bed. It’s great to see she’s found a home all the way in North Carolina. We were very fond of her, she’s a lovely dog. Thanks for taking her into your home.
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