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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Polli is looking so good. Sing that sweetie a lullaby for me
  2. Rickiesmom


    Robin, I am so sorry.
  3. Though I haven't posted, Riley has been in my thoughts and we are sending continued prayers
  4. Oh no.............................. Godspeed sweet Brooke - your mama loved you so very, very much, and you knew it. My heart breaks for Denise.
  5. Polli will be Polli, whatever the new configuration, distance, stairs, she will do as much as she can and you will be there to help with the rest. You said it yourself - the new normal. You go sweet girl
  6. Rickiesmom


    Donna, I don't know how I missed this sad news. I am so very, very sorry about Trista. Hugs
  7. What a beautiful girl. There is never enough time. I am so sorry for your loss of sweet Bailey.
  8. A rooing, wagging Polli - that news has me "smiling out loud".
  9. I will keep you and Brooke in my thoughts and prayers. Since you continue to worry about osteo, will your vet send a sample for pathology this time? Huge cyber hugs.
  10. Ember looks amazingly good for 24h later - keep it up sweet girl.
  11. Hope the good day continues. Big kisses to that pretty girl
  12. I started giving my whippet Rickie Cosequin DS (now Flexadin here) in 2004 after partial carpal fusion surgery in one leg, as one of the long term side effects is arthritis. Rickie turned 10 in June, and this fall developed a limp. Had the leg x-rayed, there is arthritis. I like to think the arthritis didn't set in sooner, or worse, because of this supplement. I have Metacam but worry about it for long term use. Consulted a trusted holistic vet - he recommended Wobenzym and Zeel. They can be used in conjunction with all the other stuff. So our current protocol is Flexadin, Metacam (I am weaning him down from the standard dose to 1/2 and then 1/3 the amount) and we just started the Wobenzym and Zeel, so it's too soon to say. If he improves sufficiently I will cut out the Metacam altogether for now.
  13. Robin, just signing out for the night and hoping you and Polli have an uneventful night.
  14. Heather, I am so very sorry. Please give Elvis a gentle hug from me.
  15. I am so very sorry. Whippies are such little cuddle bugs, your mom must miss her boy terribly.
  16. Thought I'd give this a bump in case the folks who were at Dewey / away for Thanksgiving have any thoughts.
  17. Sounds like she's starting to feel better - such good news!! What is her chemo schedule?
  18. Hope the remaining hours of the night were peaceful for all, and that Polli potties and eats nicely for you.
  19. Another candle lit with heartfelt good wishes for Polli. Looking forward to hearing she's home!
  20. Rickie has developed some arthritis in his right front leg - this is the leg where he had partial carpal fusion surgery in 2004. I have Metacam for the very bad times, but wanted something safer for long term use. My holistic vet recommended a combination of Wobenzym and Zeel. The Wobenzym package says to take this between 30 and 60 minutes before a meal, with "plenty of liquid". For those of you using this medication: - do you give it before a meal like that? - how do you ensure the "plenty of liquid" part If you also use Zeel, the instructions say to dissolve this on the tongue. How in the world do you give that? Is it OK to crush it and put it into a liquid or something like cream cheese that is lickable? I will also call the vet to get his ideas, but wanted to check with anyone actually using these products as well. (Edited because of spelling.)
  21. I can hardly wait for the next update, sent with Polli in full view of your computer.
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