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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Maria, this is superb news!! Rizzo is dah man!
  2. I am so sorry. Please shower some extra hugs and kisses, as if that were possible, from me to sweet Cody.
  3. Another vote for a second opinion at a GH-savvy vet. Please let us know when the appointment is, and in due course, how it turns out.
  4. What a sweet angel dog. I am so sorry.
  5. Just seeing it too - keeping one leg bandaged and dry is bad enough - can't imagine 4. Hope things improve when the bandages are off!
  6. Polli, it's really very poor form to develop a limp right after your Gotcha Day! Rest that leg and feel better very soon!
  7. My heart breaks for Albert's mom who tried to save him, and all who love him. Run and fly with the angels little one.
  8. I am so sorry. I will light a candle tonight for Nimby.
  9. I will light a candle for sweet Dee tonight. My heart goes out to you.
  10. Bet it's starting to shrink already! The windshield wiper comment made me laugh out loud. Silly girl
  11. I am so very sorry for your loss of such a special girl.
  12. Did the vet check out the possibility of spinal issues? Has he been given any steroids? Sending prayers!!!
  13. Just seeing this - sending prayers it's something innocuous - will be watching for an update tomorrow.
  14. He's not on any medications. As a matter of interest, what might that have suggested? We just got back from the vet who did a thorough check of eyes, and ears, as well as the usual set of neurological tests for reflexes, proprioception, etc. He found nothing, which is good. So we wait and watch to see if there is another occurrence, or if, as was the case with Bevd, it is an isolated event. Thank you for your experiences and suggestions.
  15. My petsitter called me today - when she took the dogs out for a walk at lunchtime, here is what she described: Rickie was going in a circle in a clockwise direction and his head was slightly tilted (into the circle). He looked like he might fall down as his legs were a bit weak looking but he did not fall down but I was afraid he was going to. He turned about 4 times (not in big cirlces but about the size of his body) and then I held his head and checked his eyes which stopped him going around. He stood for a few seconds and then he recovered and headed off on his walk. The whole thing was probably no more than a minute or so - not really long but enough to make me concerned and to check him out and make sure he was o.k. but it had no ill effects I thought it might be a stroke or some kind of epileptic fit but nothing at all came of it and he was perfectly fine after the "episode". He did normal poops and pees and when we got back he was happy to get his kong and seemed none the worse for his "turn".. I left voicemail for the vet and we see him at 8:40 tomorrow AM, but in the meantime, I am wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. My impression, which might be mistaken, is that with vestibular disease, once it sets in, it persists til it runs its course. This was very episodic. When I got home from work he was completely normal, even bouncy. No idea what happened, worried it could be a symptom of something neurological. If anyone has experiences to share, they would be most welcome.
  16. Linda, I am just seeing this and it makes my heart glad that your Cricket is doing well with treatment. Please give her a gentle hug and many scritches from me.
  17. I am so sorry - what a beautiful hound, inside and out.
  18. Just seeing this - hope the glue strategy worked and Zuma is home being spoiled.
  19. Robin, good news - vague, but good. Please hug that handsome sweet hound for me.
  20. Rickiesmom


    Godspeed to a wonderful hound who found his true home and family who loved him unconditionally. I am so very sorry your time with him wasn't longer.
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