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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Thinking of you and Polli today. Hope she is able to come home.
  2. Thinking of you and Polli today. The first day or two home is always the hardest after a surgery, while you get the routine down. Then it's much easier. We are sending lots of positive energy to Polli, those caring for her, and her family who loves her.
  3. Robin, I am so sorry. If only there were such a thing as a magic wand. Beautiful Polli in pink - praying the surgery goes well and that she has a smooth recovery. Huge, huge hugs!
  4. Robin, are they digital xrays? Maybe they could be sent to OSU as well, prior to the biopsy?
  5. Wonderful news! Brooke must be so happy to be home!! We will continue to send healing prayers for a good recovery.
  6. Robin, I am sending huge prayers for Miss Polli, and for you to get through the wait. Am I understanding right that you will have the assessment from the orthopedic specialist tomorrow?
  7. Thinking of you and Brooke today - hope your sweet girl can come home!
  8. Hoping so much Brooke continues to improve and that it will be possible for your girl to go home tomorrow.
  9. Sending good thoughts for continued healing for your sweet Brooke.
  10. Sending prayers the good things get better, and the kidneys follow that lead. Please give Brooke very gentles skritches and a hug from me.
  11. You and Brooke were in my thoughts yesterday, knowing how hard it must have been not to be able to visit. Watching and praying for good news.
  12. Just reading this thread now. I am so sorry about Brooke. We are sending many prayers for healing and for Brooke to please start eating. FWIW when my boy was in the hospital, the only two things he would eat, out of many I tried, were roasted turkey (no skin or fat; chicken would work equally well I just happened to have roasted sliced turkey in the freezer); the other thing was chilled vanilla Ensure. A few nibbles for canned tripe, usually a favourite. You and Brooke are in my thoughts - today must be so hard, not being able to visit her. I hope someone from the clinic calls to let you know how she's doing.
  13. FWIW, I usually roast the pie-sized pumpkins like I would squash, cut in half, cut side down in a baking pan with a touch of water (I usually put foil in the bottom of the pan and PAM that to make cleanup easier. 375 deg F. Pumpkin is so wet, even roasted there is still a lot of water. When cool scoop it out and put it in a strainer in the sink for awhile to let it drain some more before packing it.
  14. Whew! Good news. Cofax sweetie, keep getting better, you will have so much more fun that way.
  15. I think you should set a time, and then if they haven't called by then, you should call. Say 3PM. And let us know what it is
  16. Rickiesmom

    Valid Ten Pot

    Beautiful Val, enjoy your new wings sweetheart. Jonathan, I am so sorry.
  17. Robin, I will hold Loca close in my heart and prayers.
  18. Different surgery entirely, but when my Rickie was in hospital he wouldn't eat for the staff. I went in twice per day with the most tempting things I could find. What did best was home-roasted turkey (skinless, no fat) and cold vanilla Ensure. But even then, he didn't eat a lot and refused things like tripe he'd gobble up at home. The hospital actually released him to come home a day early because of the eating issue. In spite of the pain meds etc., when that boy got home he ate like a starving animal. He just needed to be home. Hopefully when Cofax gets home she will eat much better for you too. I have been following this thread without posting, silently sending good wishes and prayers for your sweet girl.
  19. Rickiesmom


    Awww Diane, I am so sorry. What a difficult year this has been.
  20. Rickiesmom

    Loose Socks

    I am so very, very sorry.
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