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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Thinking of Monty today, will be watching for updates on your sweet cow doggie.
  2. Rickiesmom

    G Man

    Run free angel dog.
  3. Polli will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow and in the coming days, til the side effects subside. You go girlie-girl
  4. I am so sorry at the loss of your beautiful and very special girl.
  5. Sounds like things just got a lot chattier at the Bridge. I am so sorry for your loss of this very special girl.
  6. You can see from those pictures how lovely Pumpkin was - inside and out. I am so sorry for your loss of her.
  7. Poor Monty and poor you - like there hasn't been enough to get through already. My thoughts and prayers will be with both of you on Monday.
  8. No advice, just good thoughts for your poor pup.
  9. Sending prayers things keep moving in the direction they should.
  10. I am so very sorry for your loss of your beautiful Renie.
  11. Good you are going in - sounds like it could be bloat. Sending prayers.
  12. Do not post any opinions about Zoe's story to this thread. Please join me in lighting a candle for this sweet boy who liked ear rubs. Godspeed Zoe.
  13. Knowing nothing about laser surgery, will it be possible for your vet to stain and send the excised tissue to a path lab for analysis? Joining the chant................................
  14. Me too - will be watching for an update, hoping this turns out to be a benign, nothing "thing".
  15. Fingers and paws crossed Monty will be one who is helped by this med.
  16. Glad he ate for you Robin. Hope everyone has a good night and that Beau feels better tomorrow.
  17. Tears began to well as soon as I saw your thread. My heart goes out to you.
  18. Will be watching for more news tomorrow, with all possible fingers and paws crossed.
  19. Robin, just seeing the latest Poor Beau - will be watching for updates, hopefully for the better.
  20. Someone recommended Hill's A/D in another thread for RobinM's Beau. I wonder if Monty would be willing to eat that. Sounds like he needs something in his tummy. You have to get A/D from a vet but it's supposed to be nutritious and digestable. Poor Monty - feel better sweetie.
  21. Aww Monty, hope the extra Reglan helps you and you get past this soon.
  22. The 6th must seem like an eternity but hopefully this will be well behaved in the meantime. Agree with AHicks - check out the vaccine - there was an article about it in Whole Dog Jourmal a year or so ago - I may still have it.
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