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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Rickiesmom


    Godspeed to a wonderful hound who found his true home and family who loved him unconditionally. I am so very sorry your time with him wasn't longer.
  2. A friend not on this list recently adopted a whippet from a shelter. Sweet dog. Shortly afterwards, her 3 hounds get very, very sick - it's coccidia. They will be treated but what should she do for her yard? According to references she's found on the internet, bleach doesn't work. If anyone has success-based experience to share - it would be more than welcome!!
  3. No idea but Robin you know I have a soft spot for Beau and so hope whatever this is, that it's innocuous and easy to treat. Hugs to that sweet, handsome boy!
  4. Just seeing this now - poor Blitz. Hope he's turning the corner on this and all the test results are normal or show something completely innocuous to treat. Sending prayers for your boy.
  5. I just opened this thread now, and want to say how sorry I am at your sudden loss of your precious Amy. Godspeed lovely one.
  6. Rickiesmom

    Izzy Is Gone.

    I am so sorry - you did your best by her in every way. My heart goes out to you.
  7. Hurts to look at it, poor pup. Hope the injection goes well and gives him relief.
  8. Just reading this thread now. Poor Misty and poor you. Will be watching for an update this evening and in the meantime sending good thoughts to your pretty girl.
  9. Just seeing this and sending prayers for good news for Weany. Nothing worse than waiting.
  10. Rickiesmom

    Wally Is Gone

    What an awful shock - nothing prepares you for a sudden loss. My heart goes out to you.
  11. May Foxy's intangible presence gently infuse your spirit and lighten your sorrow.
  12. Sounds like MS Foxy is doing things on her own terms, as it should be, in tune with her mom who loves her and responds with whatever she needs. These final steps of the journey, with their precious and uncertain duration, are the hardest and of deepest loving. You all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Ms Foxy, you are loved by so many.
  13. Janet, you and that lovely grand dame Foxy are close in my heart today - I am so very sorry.
  14. The surgeon is amazing. I am so grateful Rickie was in such skilled hands. When you consider all the skin on the leg came from his abdomen... !
  15. Been away from the board for some days, gradually catching up. Sending prayers to Wallace and hope there are some options from the specialist on Monday.
  16. Hope Zola is feeling better. If she's still limping, I'd take her to the vet and possibly ask for an orthopedic referral.
  17. Rickie is doing so well. Here is a picture of the incision Day 5 post op. There must have been close to 100 staples: And today, Day 15 post op, and 2 days after staple removal. Isn't he healing well :
  18. Sending prayers with all my heart that Train turns the corner to recovery during this critical period.
  19. Hope you get to the bottom of this soon, so Misty can walk around pain free. It's so hard when our pups hurt!
  20. Sending prayers for your sweet Tabora. Hope the steroids give her immediate relief and that a long term treatment will be viable for her. Please post a picture when you can.
  21. Hoping you were able to visit and feed Train this evening, and that he is feeling better.
  22. So glad it's not a tumour. Thinking strong positive thoughts that the site treatment idea works and Blitz feels better soon.
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