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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Feel better soon Miss Bug! Will be watching for updates. Hugs to you Devon, and Amber.
  2. The important thing is that you are moving forward to do what you can to give Monty the longest possible good life, and you are engaging someone in whom you have confidence and trust, and who also knows and cares for your pup. My thoughts will be with you both in the coming days and weeks.
  3. Hoping Misty eats today. Does she like / is she allowed tripe? I haven't read the entire list of things you've tried and trips is probably there. But just in case, it has always worked for me at picky times. Trippett makes it in a bunch of variations - the lamb one, and the one with duck and salmon are the favourites here. They have a store locator and you can also order it online from sitstay.com and probably elsewhere as well.
  4. Another welcome! From Toronto, Ontario Thank you for loving these hounds so much!
  5. I hope the path results show the lump is benign. Regardless, here is my 2 cents worth on the surgery: Rickie had a lump on his leg last year that turned out to be hemangiopericytoma (malignant but not invasive). My regular vet removed it. The tissue was sent to the lab, wasn't stained, got mucked up in transit, the path lab couldn't tell if the margins were clean. We got the answer this summer when it returned. This time I had a surgeon with a superb reputation at the local specialty clinic do the surgery. It was a major excision and required a skin flap from the stomach, but he got clean margins (just). My lesson learned was, don't mess around - for anything but the routine, get a specialist you trust to do what is needed. I love my regular clinic and vets, but the difference is that the specialist does this every day, all day, and he's very, very good. The other advantage of the specialty clinic is that they have 24h care. I don't post often but will be watching this thread and hoping for good news for Monty.
  6. Heather, I am so sorry. Sorry for your broken heart (and Ken's). Sorry for all of us who did not get to meet this wonderful hound, who comes vibrantly to life in your tribute. Godspeed Grandpa.
  7. Rickiesmom


    I am so very sorry.
  8. Rickiesmom


    Enjoy your new gossamer wings beautiful girl. Heart healing thoughts to your mom.
  9. I have no idea how I missed this thread. Sending prayers for your Misty, well loved and knows it.
  10. A friend is looking for information about this condition and treatment. Her whippet has been diagnosed (by two cardiac specialists). She has been given two treatment options: - open heart surgery - a baloon catheter procedure (sounds like angioplasty?) This pup is only 12 weeks old. The condition has been graded 4.7 on a severity scale of 5 (the high number being most severe). Untreated, the condition will worsen as the pup ages. Given how similar whippets and greyhounds are, if anyone has been through this with their hound, the benefit of your experience would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  11. I am so sorry for your loss of Andy. An unexpected loss is such a shock, and to have it happen while you were away must have made it so much harder.
  12. Polli will be in my thoughts tomorrow, for an smooth session and a snack attack afterwards.
  13. Just seeing this and sending prayers Tania's vet can get to the root of what turns out to be a scary but not-serious problem.
  14. Just reading this thread now, and hoping Nadir responds to the new meds.
  15. Melissa I am so sorry. There is no betrayal here, your girl is telling you she's nearly ready, and you are helping her complete her journey. My heart goes out to you.
  16. It sounds like Zoe is in good hands, and should start to turn the corner. I will pray that the dental surgery goes well. She is bound to feel so much better afterwards.
  17. Sending lots of prayers for your Zoe, and hugs to you.
  18. What a terrible shock. I am so very sorry.
  19. Excuse me while I go write this amazing thing down on my calendar Hugs to sweet Polli - you go girl!!
  20. Sending gentle hound and people hugs. And lots of prayers for your sweetheart Penny. Whatever the outcome, she will be surrounded by love.
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