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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Awww baby. Be lifted up by those who love you here, to the waiting arms of angels.
  2. I am so sorry. You and Diplomat will be in my thoughts.
  3. We had a recheck on Thursday. Swelling down, limp worse. Surgeon didn't seem as surprised about this as I was. We are to continue the antibiotics for 2 weeks more, along with Metacam. Tramadol as needed. In two weeks they will xray the leg. Apparently it will take that long for the infection to show up in the bone, if that is what's going on. Should that be the case, then the next steps will depend on how deep the infection goes - if superficial the treatment continues to be antibiotics, though not as now - I have forgotten the details. If it's deep, then they will have to surgically remove the bone and do a graft. Not, at present, the expected outcome, thank goodness. The culture they did at the beginning revealed 2 types of bacteria, one common (forget its name) the other less common, so I wrote it down - corynebacterium. I didn't find much I could understand when I googled this, except that it sounds like this is one of the bacteria found in dogs that have parvo. Don't know what to make of that, not sure it's even relevant here, but very glad Rickie is up to date on his shots. Any thoughts would be welcome!
  4. Robin just seeing this - glad things are looking up. Must say at $700 a pop (no pun intended) it was pretty easy to understand why you could get an appointment anytime you wanted. $70 sounds so much better
  5. Kim, it doesn't seem like it can be a year. Hugs to you.
  6. Praying the rest pass and none pierced anything along the way. What on earth was she thinking!!!!!!!!!!
  7. My whippet Rickie is limping on his right foreleg. This started about 3 weeks ago and has not stopped since. At the time this started he had a dental booked at a specialty clinic (I was expecting a fractured tooth to result in an extraction) I asked the orthopedic surgeon there to have a look at the leg. They did a physical exam and xrayed from shoulder to toes. Nothing except a little arthritis (Rickie is 10) - recommended continuing with the Flexadin supplement and giving Metacam when needed. That night a sebaceous cyst on his lower leg (about half way between the carpus and the toes) looked inflamed. I thought perhaps as a result of the examination. Next morning, the entire area from the carpus to the toes was huge, and the cyst protruded from the swelling. I called, they said bring him back. They did a needle aspirate of the cyst, examined the material and determined it contained bacteria. Sent a sample out for culture, and kept him overnight on IV antibiotics. Sent him home the next day with 3 weeks of Cephalexin, 375mg every 8h, and tramadol. The subsequent results of the culture did not suggest a change in antibiotic. We are now 2 weeks into the antibiotics. The swelling is down, the limp has continued. Two nights ago when I was examining the foot, I noticed a pin-sized yellow scab. Scraped it off, and a bit of what I assume is pus came out. Figured this was not a good thing, and expressed the rest, or what I hope was the rest, until only blood came out. As a result the immediate area is now a bit swollen again, but otherwise shows no sign of additional gunk. It surprised me that this would happen 2 weeks into the antibiotics, but someone told me that if the infection had formed a pocket, antibiotics were not good at penetrating that. I will start applying warm compresses to see if it draws anything up. If the problem still exists when we go back for a recheck next week, the area may need to be lanced, flushed and drained. Here is my question (finally): why is Rickie still limping? Even the holistic vet who examined him yesterday was surprised the infected cyst would cause a limp, and no one can find anything else wrong. They've even checked his pads under magnification, squeezed them for sensitivity, etc. Nada. My concern is that somehow we are missing something. Or, perhaps it really is the cyst? If anyone has any thoughts on this, I would greatly appreciate them. Sorry this is so long. ETA: The limp has never stopped, i.e., expressing the cyst 2 days ago did not cause the limp to return - it has been unchanged since the start.
  8. Sending prayers for Bailey who will soon have her angel wings, and prayers of comfort and acceptance for you and your DH.
  9. Rickiesmom

    Walter Roick

    Lynn, I am so glad to have met Walter, who was such a good host to Arlie. My heart goes out to you and David.
  10. Good news Lynn!! Pease keep us posted, but it sounds like your "Grumpy old man" is about to turn a corner. Please give him big smooches from Rickie, Arlie and me.
  11. Just seeing this - hope all went well with Pearl yesterday.
  12. What a beautiful boy. I am so sorry for your loss.
  13. I haven't posted but have been following this thread and sending Brady good thoughts. Hoping for a good report this morning.
  14. I remember when you posted the picture of Stanley with the cat - think it was on a birthday - not in these words, but you described him as a reformed cat zapper. It was so charming I used that picture as wallpaper on my computer for quite awhile. Run free Stanley. I am so sorry for all who will miss him dearly.
  15. Glad it all went well Robin. Hug those pups for me.
  16. Rickiesmom


    Linda, I am so very sorry.
  17. I don't post often but Alan is one of my favourite GT pups. So glad the news is positive - sending prayers and chanting with Xan.
  18. Fly to green pastures where you can take life at your own speed Eight Bells.
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