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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Wonderful, wonderful news. You guys have been through so much! Look forward to seeing new pictures of Monty running and playing, as soon as he has recovered from all he's been through.
  2. Those photos beam personality. I am so sorry for your loss of such a young, vibrant, and very special girl.
  3. What a beautiful girl. Linda, I am so, so sorry.
  4. Rickiesmom

    Tisha T

    Run free Tilly. I am so sorry for your loss of your special girl.
  5. Robin, no experience or advice - just lots and lots of good will and prayers for things to take a firm turn for the better. Hugs to that most handsome Beau, and bigger hugs to you!
  6. I am so sorry for the loss of your wonderful young boy.
  7. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy.
  8. I am so sorry for your loss of a very sweet sounding boy.
  9. We are doing a major big ol' happy dance here !!! Great big extravagant smooches to Monty, and a huge hug to you too!
  10. Hope Misty had a better night, less bleeding, and is taking more of an interest in her food this morning. Rickie and Arlie send her gentle nose dabs.
  11. Can you put some of those cheap, washable through rugs (runners) on the tile to help him with traction for now?
  12. Awww Misty - heading in the right direction at least. I hope the new regimen takes her to where she needs to be. Gentle kisses to that sweet girlie.
  13. What a handsome man your Caesar was! My heart goes out to you at this tragic and unexpected turn of events.
  14. Poor Jake! Give yourself and your mom a break and leave that eye alone to heal.
  15. Rickiesmom

    Reuban Tyme

    I am so sorry for your sudden, heartbreaking loss of Nero.
  16. Awwww, poor girlie. Hope the pain meds will help her feel better. Also hope the test results today show promise - Misty needs a break.
  17. How was Misty's night, is she feeling better this morning (we hope). Misty
  18. Oh my goodness - poor lambie! Sending healing thoughts and prayers to Annie!
  19. The veterinary dental specialist I use said she had seen some pretty bad anaerobic infections come in as a result of sealant sealing something bad in. She does not recommend their use. She does recommend brushing, squirting water between the teeth either with a syringe meant for this sort of thing, or a human, battery operated device like a water pick (which, if you go that route, try to use it outside unless you are way more coordinated than I am.
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