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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Sending prayers your sweet girl continues to recover well, and there is no pancreatitis. What an awful scare!!
  2. What a lovely, lovely girl. I am so sorry for your loss.
  3. Robin, this is so worrisome - you must be beside yourself. Are there other options to get nutrients into him until it is possible to get to the bottom of this? I have no idea what that might be, it just feels like there needs to be another option until this is resolved. Huge hugs to both of you.
  4. I am so sorry - sending prayers for your sweet Leeanna.
  5. Rickiesmom


    What a lovely girl. My deepest sympathy to her family who must be missing her so much.
  6. Alan Sending prayers his owies heal quickly and it was just a bad, bad day.
  7. Am I reading the recipe correctly that the barley is not cooked? Please others comment, but I would worry about fermentation in the stomach.
  8. Thank you for sharing the pictures and memories of your wonderful and incredibly handsome boy. I am so sorry for your loss.
  9. Robin, just seeing this. I am kind of surprised pasta is in the list since it's typically wheat based, but perhaps this is an all-purpose recipe and you are choosing other starches. Hugs to Beau. I'd be a wreck too if one of my dogs was dropping weight like that!
  10. Here is a link to the yahoo pancreatitis group: dogpancreatitis@yahoogroups.com
  11. Oh no - poor Monty. Is the leg issue a known possible side effect, or is this something you need to call the vet about?
  12. There is a yahoo support group - someone may know the link - I'll also see if I can find it.
  13. He does look thin! The consult is a good idea. Please keep us posted! Will he not eat potato or some carb to go with the fish protein? I'm thinking otherwise it's like he's on the Atkins diet.
  14. A 5 month whippet puppy flew with his parents earlier this week from Alberta to the vet school at the University of Guelph to have surgery for a severe case of pulmonic valve stenosis. The surgery was yesterday - amazingly, to me at least, it is performed through the artery in the neck. The pup was discharged today with a bandage around his neck that is meant to stay for 10 days. Unfortunately, the pup has other ideas. I was thinking maybe baby socks on his paws (attached with vet wrap, not too tight) and then bitter apple on the socks. There is so much experience here, I am sure there are other and better ideas, and I'd like to pass them on to the pup's parents. Thank you for your help.
  15. That's too bad, but an understandable precaution under the circumstances. Hope Monty sails through these next treatments. Big hugs to the handsome fellow.
  16. Sending good healing, leave it alone thoughts to Jake.
  17. Your vet is terrific. We'll have all paws crossed that Monty gets through the next days without upset. How often are the chemo treatments, I have lost track. I.e., will you likely have the results of the new tests beforehand? Hugs to that sweet boy!
  18. Gosh Karen, can it get more complicated? Sending prayers that the chemo goes well today, and that a firm diagnosis can be reached soon.
  19. It may also help if you can get your pup to stand with forepaws on a chair so the passageway is more vertical. This worked for me with a dog, but he was very, very food motivated, and would have stood on his head if it meant getting something to eat.
  20. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful young girl. That face has love written all over it.
  21. We'll be thinking of you and Monty tomorrow Karen. Hope OSU can deliver results quicker.
  22. Praying for all the lost and at-risk hounds, to be found and kept safe and sound.
  23. Karen, it sounds like the Antech tests will give you what you need: "She said the CD 79A would tell us definitively if it is B-cell or not and that there is a new Plasma Cell tissue marker for dogs that has recently become available." I feel for you, being pished back into uncertainty, especially with a chemo treatment coming up - do you know when the Antech results will be available?
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