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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Rickiesmom


    Sammy sounds like he was a wonderful, wonderful boy. My condolences to you, your daughter, and all who loved him.
  2. Poor Annie!! Sending prayers - I can well imagine you're on the edge of your seat between worrying about the anaesthetic, and also not knowing exactly what sort of repair can be made. Sending hugs!
  3. Just reading this thread now and hoping Mikie is better able to settle down. FWIW, I would stick with Metacam vs. Rimadyl - consensus among the vets we see seems to be that it's safer.
  4. It almost seems as if his fate was delayed so he could know some loving - how wonderful for him, and how hard for you, that it was yours to give to him. My heart goes out to you.
  5. I knew from some of your recent posts this day was coming, but joined many others in hoping for another week, another day.... Your wonderful tribute suggests Tasha is setting fashion and behaviour standards at the Bridge. I am so sorry for your loss of this lovely girl.
  6. I am so sorry for your loss of your beloved Jack.
  7. Robin, this sounds like guarded good news. And gluten allergies are awful - someone I used to work with had this allergy and was incredibly sick, anemic from internal bleeding... it took a long time for someone to figure out what the problem was. She now eats very carefully, and is the picture of health.
  8. Good girl Polli! Now tell your mom she isn't allowed to post celebratory messages like this without at least one picture!
  9. My heart goes out to you in this time of worry and not knowing how things will turn out. We will continue to pray for a positive outcome.
  10. Janet, that looks scary - I would definitely take him to an opthamologist. You don't want to find out the problem is bigger than you think too late. Hugs to both of you - this has to be stressful for both of you - probably more for you. ETA: If you need to bring him down here, you know you guys can camp out with us.
  11. Continued prayers and good thoughts for your sweet boy.
  12. I am so very sorry for your loss of a truly wonderful hound. It is easy to understand why you would choose him as your hero.
  13. Poor Jack. We will continue to hold him in our thoughts and prayers.
  14. My heart grieves with yours. I am so very sorry.
  15. Sending prayers for your Jack, those caring for him, and of course for you and your husband. Thank you for the updates, we are keeping you all in our thoughts.
  16. What a beautiful, beautiful girl. I am so sorry for your loss.
  17. Sending hugs to both of you. It is so hard to manage every little thing with our pups - they have no concept of consequences and only know what they want to do.
  18. Carol Becker makes wonderful support harnesses for dogs with back injuries - they can be worn 24*7 and allow you to help your dog to get up, and also to steady them on walks if needed. They are also very reasonably priced. You can contact her through Gods Greyts: http://www.godsgreyts.com/ Hope Beauty starts responding to the meds soon.
  19. Misty, we'll start piling up the good thoughts now, so there will be a whole mountain (topped with apple saws) on your side by Tuesday
  20. I am sorry for this news and join others in hoping there is a new and viable protocol for your Bonnie.
  21. Rickiesmom


    How tragic. Such a young angel. I am so very, very sorry.
  22. I have similar problems with my whippet Rickie whose hind end is in decline. Like Alan he is on Cosequin DS (well actually now Flexadin, pretty much the same stuff). My holistic vet suggested a product called Vetri-Disc by Vetri-Science. I am giving him half the recommended dose because some of the ingredients overlap with the Cosequin/Flexadin. Too soon to know if it is making a difference. We are not doing acupuncture at the vet's suggestion, but are doing gentle chiropractic every few weeks. I am also getting Rickie to go up to the second floor for every treat, to try and increase the muscle mass in his back legs, and it seems to be helping (we started this week and are doing about 10 special trips per day, a few at a time, spread through the day). Hugs to Alan.
  23. I will light a candle for this girl and all those unfortunate who share her fate.
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