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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Poor Lily - good there is no fracture - hopefully not a torn ACL. Heal quickly and well little girl!
  2. Oh no! I am so very sorry, you loved him so much and tried so hard to help his failing body. My heart goes out to you.
  3. Tina, Booker will be fine, believe it. Rickie (who is also 11) is here to tell you he had surgery two weeks ago to remove a (benign) tumour (with margins) from the front of his chest and he's doing great! You know the drill, the first days are the hardest but the body is programmed to heal and Booker will do exactly that. Hugs!!
  4. Poor Peanut - she's young and will heal well, given sufficient spoiling of course
  5. Sending prayers that Domino heals quickly and without complication - you have bought quality time together, priceless and more memories.
  6. Thank you for the pictures - what a sweet, handsome guy. Continuing to send prayers for Warlock.
  7. Rickiesmom

    Keep Moving

    My heart goes out to you, I am so, so sorry.
  8. Just seeing this and hoping Riley settled down for you. Think someone asked this earlier - is there an orthopedic specialist you can consult, and / or, have you sent all the test results to OSU? In the meantime, hope you can reach the vet and decide what to do about meds and the wrap. In addition to swelling at the toes, might want to watch the area above the bandage too.
  9. I am so sorry for your loss of Grace. May your many memories bring you comfort.
  10. After Rickie's surgeries, when there has been a lot of bruising and some swelling, we alternated warm and cold compresses. Warm for about 10-15 minutes, then maybe an hour or so later, cold for about the same (10 min). Compress wrapped in a tea towel folded over and over around it to make it more comfortable. Did this 3 - 4 times a day, and it really, really helped. (ETA a bit more detail.)
  11. Very promising update! We will continue to pray that Warlock improves through the day and that the cause is easily treatable. You must be exhausted.
  12. Just saw this and read through the entire thread - poor Riley. Hope he had a good night and that he'll eat something for you soon. Will be watching for updates. Jabari
  13. Good boy Jamey! Keep enjoying all your food!! I have written down the recipe and have a question - are you microwaving to defrost, or actually cooking them?
  14. Sending prayers it's a hidden UTI and responds to the antibiotics pronto!
  15. Just seeing this and sending prayers for something boring, and clean margins just for good measure!
  16. Rickie is doing well - the bruising is fading a little every day, and the seroma, while still there, is no larger. The strange thing is, it's above the suture line, not below where one might expect it to be. As long as nothing starts to look worse / bigger, I am going to let things be. We have a recheck in a bit over a week.
  17. Good update - what a great girl she is! Hope the path report comes back soon and with good news!
  18. Overall there is less redness and puffiness this morning, which is so great to see. We are following instructions re. confinement and minimal exercise, hopefully things will stay this way. He seemed to have a pretty good night - didn't move around as much as the night before. He does have the odd period where pain seems to break through. I am going to call the hospital to see if we can add / adjust his pain meds. It isn't often, and probably happens because the suture line is in an area that tends to move whenever he does. I don't want to have to take him in - think the stress of going down there, and difficulty getting him in and out of the car without hurt would be counter-productive, unless the problem escalates. Otherwise, if they won't adjust over the phone today, I'll call the surgeon tomorrow. We've got a safe and comfy setup for him and are keeping the environment very quiet so he rests - believe this is what he needs most right now. I will start giving him Traumeel. Breakfast is next on the agenda, so I can't speak for today, but so far he's eaten a sufficient part of each meal, and because he gets Tramadol every 8h, he gets snacks in between (cheese and some of Jaynie's meatballs). Not so interested in chew-treats - maybe too much work and focus required vs. the Tramadol. All in all, except for the pain issue, he definitely looks better today.
  19. Tonya what you say makes sense - the tech mentioned to me that they had had him in some sort of high tech bandage to manage swelling, so perhaps this developed when that was removed. I'm going to try compresses for now as it isn't very big, and then depending on what happens, perhaps take him in for a quick check on Monday. It doesn't seem to be bothering him, though he's on enough Tramadol right now that not much would.
  20. Rickie had surgery on Wednesday to get margins around a hemangioma that the vets, including an oncologist, felt was at risk of infiltrating his chest. He was staged first (everything clear) and the removed tissue has been sent for analysis. He came home Friday with a mass about the size of a walnut in the suture line area. At discharge I was told it was probably a seroma, and to monitor for an increase in size. Size is about the same, but I am wondering what I can do to make it go away. What quick reading I've done suggests these re-absorb on their own, and that alternating warm and cold compresses can help. Has anyone had direct experience with this - it would be comforting to know first-hand, vs. general information in the Internet. Thank you.
  21. Rickiesmom


    What a heartbreak. I am so sorry.
  22. Oh no, what an awful shock. My heart goes out to you.
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