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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Kate, sending prayers and good thoughts that these lumps are "nothing", or, if they are "something", that the margins are clean and this is the end of it.
  2. I am sorry to be joining late. I have 5 candles lit in honour of Braden, Martin, Rachael, Pudge, and for the hounds who have gone before them unfound, and those who may still be out there. The loss of these hounds is something that, like most, I have struggled to come to terms with; it must be so much harder for the foster parents, my heart has gone out to you over and over. There is comfort in knowing these 4 special hounds were in loving care in their last days, and left this earth with a taste of what unconditional love is - a preparation for all that is theirs now. As I am so late I wanted to join in as soon as possible, but will now go back and read this very special thread from its start.
  3. Rickiesmom


    A beautiful tribute to a very special girl. I am so sorry for your loss.
  4. Just seeing this. Sending you and Tuna prayers of strength and peace. We are holding you close in our thoughts and hearts.
  5. Heather, there are no words, I am so sorry.
  6. I am so very sorry for your loss of a very special boy.
  7. I have an Electrolux electric vacuum / dustbuster (they are a unit but the dustbuster part detaches). I haven't used it for dog food (which I assume is dry) but as a general, small unit handy for a quick pass over the floor, it's pretty good. Got mine at Costco.
  8. Rickiesmom


    Such a tragically short life. Holly I am so sorry. Look at those pictures and know, as he did, that you gave him the best days of his life.
  9. Rickiesmom


    A beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady. I am so, so sorry Heather.
  10. Claudia, I am so, so sorry. My heart goes out to you, your niece and Dylan.
  11. Rickiesmom


    Those tracks in the sand ... Trudy and Jeff, I am so sorry.
  12. Run free beautiful Angel, you are forever in the hearts of all who loved you.
  13. I am so very sorry. These decisions are the hardest to make, harder to keep. May your love for Bijou guide you well.
  14. Beau, make sure that spots shrinks a little overnight, and again tomorrow, and then each day that follows, OK? Stop worrying your mom like this.
  15. My Jaynie went into acute renal failure following a surgery, and was put on a low protein prescription diet. However, because most of her values are good (except creatinine high, urine SG low) I give her one buttery egg omelet per day (no salt in butter or added to eggs) as a supplement. Eggs are a very bio-available protein. The caution here is that eggs are relatively high in phosphorus. You might want to join the k9kidneydiet yahoo list - the moderators and members are extremely helpful.
  16. Interesting! The specialist that I took George to would not do it either! Since she was a greyhound owner herself, and did her surgical residency at a clinic in Jacksonville that some of the severe track injuries go to, and has studied extensively in pain management and stuff (a very impressive resume--not a typical garden variety vet!) I listened to her. She said something odd too, "You'll have to find a much older vet to do that procedure for L.S." ??? She told me the potential side effects of Depo Medrol simply outweigh any temporary benefit. What did she recommend instead?
  17. Claudia I am so sorry Ekko isn't recovering well. Please tell her Rickie is very concerned and all paws are crossed for her to start feeling better soon.
  18. Better not let Ekko see that challenge precautionary advice Glad she's home and snoozing it off Claudia!
  19. I am so sorry for your loss of your first boy and special heart dog Palu. Your tribute was beautiful.
  20. Too bad about the change in plan - I know those "why aren't you feeding us" looks! Give Ekko a hug and tell her a lot of people are sending good thoughts her way, and will be watching for a "she's home with sparkling teeth" update.
  21. Godspeed Rebel. My heart goes out to all who cared for him and hoped so hard for a different outcome.
  22. Godspeed Ella. My heartfelt sympathy to all who mourn her.
  23. Pretty good update, although it's too bad about the surgery. However, being able to have everything done at once is just awesome! Watching for more updates.
  24. We'll be thinking good thoughts for Ekko and Lenny on Friday!
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