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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. I always try to get first catch - if the appointment isn't in the morning, I take the pee sample in right after it's collected, then take the dog down later for the appointment. It's a pain, but you get the best specific gravity results that way, plus often the results are back by the time of the appointment, which can be helpful.
  2. What a wonderful tribute. I feel like I got to know Dimples a little, and it was a privilege. I am so sorry for your loss.
  3. Sure hope the new meds work! Poor little guy.
  4. Happy Gotcha Day Bridge Angel. You were certainly one of a kind.
  5. How sad. I cannot imagine her husband's grief, or how much their hounds will feel her absence. Godspeed sweet lady.
  6. Rickiesmom


    Heather, I am so sorry. What a beautiful tribute to a handsome boy who found the right home with you and Ken.
  7. Fly free little angel girl. One of the most touching tributes I have ever read, and looking at the photos it's easy to understand why. I am so sorry for your loss.
  8. I brush with doggy toothpaste, but have in the past also brushed with Wysong's Dentatreat (brushing with it is more cost and tooth-effective than putting it on food). Just moosh a little of it up with a bit of water and brush away. We have also just started using a product recommended by our dental specialist called Healthy Mouth - very benign ingredients, you add it to water. Here is a thread from when I was first looking into it: Healthy Mouth Based on this thread, I am going to look into Biotene for brushing as well.
  9. Great update! I hope Stella continues to feel good, and there are no further bumps in the road!
  10. Rickiesmom


    My heart sank when I saw Harley's name in Remembrance, after following his thread with hope. I am so, so sorry for your loss of such a special boy.
  11. I just finished reading the other thread, and read the end with sadness. Godspeed Lincoln - you were and are so loved by your mom and dad.
  12. I heart goes out to you - any one of these losses is heartwrenching, and you've had so many.......................... Godspeed Major.
  13. We saw the dental specialist yesterday for a recheck, and got some samples of Healthy Mouth to try. I asked her some questions based on this thread, and here is what she said: - she isn't sure it would work when the water is added to food. i.e., the food might inhibit the ability of the product to bind with the plaque on teeth - she suggested introducing it at 25% of the recommended dilution, and gradually working up, to deal with any palatability issues - she also said the company is continuing to test, and it may be that the product will work at lower dilutions, i.e., you would still get results without mixing it as strong as instructed, but, I don't think they've figured out what the minimum effective dilution is yet. I just mixed it up and sure enough, at full strength the water looks green - diluted it looks, well, less green, but still different. I'll be watching the dogs to make sure everyone is still drinking.
  14. Sending healing thoughts to your little guy.
  15. Pam I am so sorry. Your frustration and heartbreak are palpable. This was totally preventable suffering and the careless waste of a life. But you got to Huckabee in time to give him all the love you could, and send him to the Bridge wrapped up in it. He is now peaceful and whole. You did all you could for him even as your heart was breaking over Archie. No gift could be greater.
  16. Godspeed Archie. Pam, he remains in my mind from when he broke his leg last year. I am so, so sorry.
  17. Rickiesmom


    What a beautiful and loving tribute to a special hound and a special bond. I am so sorry for your loss.
  18. I've ordered the coconut milk (which is fresh vs canned, something I haven't seen before) as well as the oil and flour. Looking forward to trying the milk on fruit and also in smoothies; I bake lot of breakfast foods, so will sub in some of the flour there. In addition to cooking with it, I'll try the oil on Arlie's food, as she does have some sensitivities. I may try the sugar eventually, as apparently it's lower on the glycemic index than regular sugar, though I agree with Kennelmom that "sugar is sugar". They described the flavour as a cross between maple sugar and brown sugar, which intrigued me.
  19. The place I get our organic fruits and vegetables from has just introduced a line of coconut products (milk, sugar, flour, oil). Before ordering, I wanted to circle back to this thread and get an update on everyone's experiences using coconut products, either for themselves or their hounds. Thanks!
  20. "That which does not kill you makes you stronger." So.............. we are obviously a very strong bunch
  21. My whippet Rickie had a tumour (hemangiopericytoma) on his right thigh. First surgery did not get clean margins and it returned about a year later. That time we took Rickie to a specialty hospital. The surgery was fairly aggressive (Rickie lost some muscle and needed a skin flap) but the margins were clean (only my millimetres). We did no further treatment and to date the tumour has not returned. Had we not gotten clean margins we would have gone with Dr Couto's intra-lesional chemo treatment. RooRoo on this board has a hound who went through this chemo very very well - you might want to PM her.
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