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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. We've been at it, 100% faithfully, for almost a month. The corns I hulled before starting are growing back normally (not black or anything promising). They are almost flush with the pad, and as noted earlier I will start the duct tape once they are, though I am disappointed that your results are not better. FWIW I have been using press-and-seal rather than baggies - less fussy for me, but obviously no difference to the outcome. Next week when I go down to my old neighbourhood to do some shopping I am going to pick up some of the Thuja pellets - figure it can't hurt. (Edited to correct the name of the plastic wrap.)
  2. I am so sorry for your loss of Stellaluna, a beautiful young girl with a beautiful name.
  3. Happy Bridge Birthday Jack. When you blow on your candles, may they burn brighter and add stars to your mom's evening sky.
  4. What a perfect and beautiful girl. I am so, so sorry for your loss.
  5. No thoughts on what's wrong, but I hope your flight isn't further delayed and you will be home with Hewlett soon. Sending good thoughts to both of you and your DH.
  6. We've been using the pre-treat and corn cream faithfully 2x per day for about 10 days - admitedly not long. Corns are growing back, not enough to hull yet, but getting there. I'm thinking maybe the combination of cream protocol and duct tape is the answer. One of the corns, though deep, has quite a small diameter so tape could be a bit tricky. The other one is larger so definitely a candidate. As soon as either of them is flush with the pad that's the route we're going to go.
  7. Did he explain the rationale? Just curious as we have different thoughts and approaches in this thread.
  8. What a beautiful tribute. What a wonderful hound Max was, and what a special relationship you had with him. I am sure he will blow you a kiss as he makes his way to the Bridge. I am so sorry for your loss.
  9. I am so sorry your sweet and very much loved boy is gone.
  10. I am so sorry. I never met Brandee bur felt like I knew her through your wonderful photos. My heart hurts for yours.
  11. I completely missed the original story, but am very glad to hear Perry is doing so well. May it long continue!
  12. I just started the protocol yesterday on my whippet who has corns on the two weight bearing toes of his left front foot. One is fairly shallow but the other is quite deep. Decided to hull them before starting so the softening compound and cream could be applied close to the root. Hopefully the corns won't return.
  13. Sending prayers of strength and comfort for you, and a peaceful passing for your beloved Grace.
  14. Sending prayers for you and for your beloved Gracy.
  15. I remember his story. I am so, so sorry.
  16. Worming is a good idea. When I needed to get weight on one of my girls I gave her a one-egg omelet with breakfast and dnner, cooked without any seasoning in a little organic coconut oil. It's very digestable, added calories and she loved it. She still gets one every day, split between two meals. And I have become very accomplished at making omelets in general as a result of all the practice If you go this route maybe start with one egg split between two meals.
  17. I am so sorry. I dealt with Kathy only briefly in connection with a GUR - she was lovely. May she rest in peace and love.
  18. I started using Fortiflora recently for Arlie, as my vet thought she was showing early signs of IBD. It is expensive but it has made a huge difference for the better.
  19. Wth one exception we've always ended up with stitches. The exception was the skin flap on hind Rickie's leg - it was huge and I think a big part of the reason they stapled was for speed, to reduce the amount of time he had to remain anaesthetized. That would not apply to a small wound on the face though. As an aside, my understanding is that skin is much more likely to remain viable if reattached within something like a 4 - 6 hour period, I forget exactly, but for that reason I would probably opt for whatever the vet chose to do, particularly if they were to sort to explain their preference.
  20. Brie I am so sorry Doolin is having issues again. Hopefully the specialist can help you resolve this / refer you to a colleague who can. Sending calming, healing thoughts for your very special boy.
  21. Diane I am so sorry. Tony and Dot could not have been more loved.
  22. Diane So much heartbreak all at once.
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