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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Wonderful update on your special boy. May 2012 be a good one for both of you and those you love.
  2. Poor guy. I read through this thread yesterday. So glad he's getting additional treatment. Fingers crossed the cultures will let you know what will clobber this thing.
  3. I am so sorry for your loss of this boy, who was in your heart if not yet in your home.
  4. I'd ask about getting an emergency referral to a neurologist. I wouldn't go with chiropractic until you know what you are dealing with. I am not anti-chiro - Rickie goes every second week - but it's important to know what you are treating first. Keeping fingers and paws crossed here for Bella.
  5. Kelly, I am so sorry. What a handsome boy he was.
  6. So much character and presence leaves a huge hole. Linda, I am so sorry for your loss of Anna.
  7. Jen I am so sorry for your loss.
  8. I am so very sorry. What a beautiful girl.
  9. I am so sorry for your loss of a very beautiful and special girlie.
  10. Happy Bridge Birthday to a beautiful girl
  11. Rickiesmom

    Twister Sheba

    A beautiful tribute to an extraordinary girl. I am so sorry for your loss.
  12. What a handsome young hound. I am so sorry for your loss.
  13. Probably a long shot, but have any of the vets done a bacteria culture?
  14. How tragic. My heart goes out to Kim for all she is going through. Rest in peace Arwen.
  15. My whippet had them removed as a newborn apparently. Very grateful for that. Jaynie has them (and ripped the nail of one doing zoomies awhile back) and I wish she didn't. Arlie also had hers.
  16. When Jaynie first arrived in 2009 she chewed things, mostly she emptied the wastebasket I use as a staging area for recycling, so she'd chew cardboard and yoghurt containers, that sort of thing. This behaviour went away pretty quickly as she settled in. After we lost Arlie at the end of October, it started again - slippers, cardboard, whatever was within reach. It seemed to be stopping but today I discovered she chewed through one of the handles on my purse, and the last couple of days she has gone back to the recycling. I don't want to leave her with a kong - first the content would be tricky because she's on a kidney-restricted diet, also, she and Rickie share the downstairs during the day and I don't want any issues over food. Before you all suggest it, I know the answer is another greyhound, but that isn't going to happen for awhile for a bunch of reasons. I feel so bad for her. She has Rickie for company but clearly she is really feeling the loss of Arlie. She's going to camp soon for a couple of weeks which will do her a world of good, and when she comes back I am going to try increasing her exercise. Any other suggestions?
  17. Happy Gotcha Day to a beautiful and cherished Angel.
  18. Happy girl to be home! And happy you and Ken too!
  19. Rickiesmom


    What a handsome boy. I am so sorry for your loss.
  20. That is pretty impressive swelling. Good thing you got her to the e-vet - hopefully everything will settle down soon. We will keep you all in our thoughts, and check in from time to time for an update.
  21. Jaynie had a big bruise on her side earlier this year - no idea how she got it. I put cold compresses on it (wrapped in a towel) - hopefully they helped the bruise - certainly made me feel better
  22. Godspeed Colonel. My heartfelt sympathy to you Pam, and all who loved him.
  23. Lisa, Steve, I am so, so sorry. More than words could ever say.
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