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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. It all sounds good so far Robin, and you will both be happier when he's home!
  2. Just seeing this Robin. You, Rich and Xander are in my thoughts and prayers. My Jaynie will celebrate her 10th birthday and 11 month ampuversary on March 4. Will be watching for updates.
  3. Judy just seeing this, hoping Chase turns the corner soon! Sending healing thoughts to him and {{{{{ hugs }}}}} to you.
  4. Diane I am so sorry. Huston was such a good boy, and a great conversationalist. Sending hugs of comfort.
  5. Watching and hoping for a positive update tomorrow. Thinking of you both!
  6. I have Trupanion and have nothing but good to say about them. My dogs were a bit older when I enrolled them, and I have a small deductible so the premiums are more than some others, but they cover everything they say they will. (They do not cover routine care, such as vet consults, dentals, vaccines, etc., but do a great job with treatment costs.) Jaynie had some pre-existing conditions so I spent a lot of time with them understanding what would not be covered, and they have entirely honoured anything that falls outside that list.
  7. Twiggy feel better soon. No filet could ever be more richly deserved, or more joyfully served
  8. She was one of a kind, a legend here, and by now, probably a living legend at the Bridge
  9. Oh my goodness, what sad news after all you and Morty have been through, and when you thought you were about to turn the corner. I am so, so sorry for your heartbreaking loss.
  10. What a wonderful tribute to a special family member. I am so sorry it was Bailey's time to leave.
  11. I would get it off. Maybe your friend could ask if it could be removed as a punch biopsy, which should be way, way less expensive. I've had a couple of small things removed from Jaynie's tummy that way and the vet does it during an office visit, using a local. I console the head end, a tech makes sure she stays still (she's a cooperative dog anyway though) and the vet gets it off, puts in a stitch or two, and it's all done but for treats. I guess the downside to this approach is that if the pathology report comes back with something cancerous, a second procedure might be needed to get margins. In Jaynie's case I accept this chance because she is kidney-compromised so I avoid sedation / anaesthetic as much as possible. If there is any chance at all it could be mast cell, my understanding is that the dog should be given Benadryl or another antihistamine about 20 minutes beforehand. Fingers crossed it turns out to be nothing.
  12. Toni he is a doll, and he sounds like he's going to be a lot of fun! Congratulations !!!
  13. There is never a right time to lose those we love. I am so sorry for your loss of Aria.
  14. My heart breaks for you. I am sorry you did not have more time with your special boy.
  15. I am so sorry for your loss. Sweet Hattie, send your mom a kiss on the wind.
  16. Godspeed John of the big heart and beautiful eyes. You were and always will be loved. Peace to Jason and all who loved you
  17. What a great name! Congratulations Carron (and Miss Tallulah) - can hardly wait until you are able to post a photo or ten !!
  18. I would be worried about the iodine in kelp. I brush daily and use Healthy Mouth - that combination works here.
  19. Ducky just seeing this. Glad Mazy is feeling better, other than of course she wants to do things she shouldn't. Hope this little bone heals quickly and without complication!
  20. Yesterday was Jaynie's 8 month "ampuversary". She had lung rads done the day before and they are clear!
  21. I am so sorry, for your loss of a girl beautiful both inside and out.
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