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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Not since he first came home. I can bring that up with the vet - what aspect of what is going on with him made you suggest that, so I have somewhere to start?
  2. Thank you - ever since the bilirubin results I have been micro-monitoring him, and wondered if maybe I was just seeing something I hadn't paid attention to before. I do think it is further down his legs than it was yesterday, but I feel better now. If I were seeing any behaviour change / escalation in symptoms I would take him to the e-vet in a heartbeat. ETA the other leg is similar. Jeff turned 6 in January.
  3. Here are some photos - not great but best I can get. These are all the inside of the same leg, The photos make it look a lot darker than it actually is, but at least this way you can see it. On this one, you can see it from upper right going down toward the left: Upper left going down toward right: In wide part of thigh, down the leg: Similar, focus not so good: Now that I have these I will also send them to my vet. Please look at your own hound if they are white or like Jeff, white with ticking. Maybe this isn't as weird as I think it is.
  4. I need to get some photos - he's not dark blue, it's subtle, but it's there. The weather seems to be clearing, I will post photos as soon as I can get something decent. Thank you all for your thoughts. To answer a few questions: - he has no symptoms that fit any of the usual causes of "blueness", bloodwork, urinalysis and two detailed physical exams offered no explanation, and the vet doing all of this is one of the two vets in the practice I respect and trust the most - she does think there is something going on with the liver, which would account for his other symptoms, including the orange-y poop, and this is why we will do the ultrasound Monday - he is showing no escalation in terms of behaviour or symptoms - gums are fine - ETA the surgery was in June so I don't think it's related. He has had to be on limited exercise for 12 - 16 weeks. We have been doing gradually longer walks (quite long now) and "stronger" rehab exercises which is why the muscle loss no longer made sense. The practice is closed but I did e-mail the other vet I know best a little while ago. He was on earlier today and there is a good chance he'll see it. I am considering the e-vet - Jeff is insured so cost is not the inhibitor - I am more concerned about putting him through the time there and a potential battery of tests when we believe his liver has issues. Unless something escalates, I want to wait. I am so hoping someone who has experienced something along these lines will post.
  5. Had Jeff in to the vet a few days ago - he's been listless, has lost muscle mass, and very recently, though he is eating, he is not as keen as usual. Poop has had an orange-y cast the last few days. Initially there were other reasons to account for some of this - he was grieving for the loss of another dog, and he was still in rehab due to shoulder surgery as a result of which he has been on very limited exercise. But earlier this week it all sort of converged. Vet ran urinalysis and the results were normal other than more bilirubin than she wanted to see (I don't have the value). She got him back in for bloodwork - all normal except his bilirubin was 18 (high normal is 5). She believes something is going on with his liver. She doesn't think it's pancreatitis as he isn't vomiting and he doesn't have diarrhea, but she is going to have another test run to be sure. She said if the pancreas was inflamed it could constrict the bile duct. We won't have that result for a couple of days. In the meantime, I have cut most of the fat out of his diet, just in case. But, he's turning blue. I noticed it yesterday afternoon and took him back in - at that point it was mainly one side of his chest, and on the inside of his upper thighs. She could see it, but couldn't find anything wrong on exam, and we had fresh urinalysis and bloodwork that didn't suggest anything. I can't get a good look at his tummy right now, but the blue is spreading down the inside of his legs. We are having a rainstorm and the light is awful but I will get and post photos when I am able. I tried searching online but people talk about "black". Hopefully that isn't where this is headed, but I didn't really find anything helpful about "blue". If you have experience with anything like this, please share. I am very concerned but don't know what to do. Thank you!
  6. Poor Aiden, and poor you. Hope the abx and cleaning do the job. Get good rest tonight, both of you!
  7. Jan and Aiden . Hope you hear back soon from the vet and it's something simple that looks more dramatic than it is.
  8. I am so sorry for your loss - what a beautiful and special girl, gone much too soon.
  9. Awww Jan, I am so sorry. What a wonderful tribute. I will always remember that photo sequence of him on a bed outside.
  10. I've used Interceptor for years, and after it became impossible to get, Sentinel, and no one had any side effects. Very sorry this happened to your Winnie.
  11. It may depend on how long a dog has been taking it, but my understanding is Pred is not a drug you can stop cold-turkey, but needs to be weaned down over a period of time.
  12. Ducky congratulations ! Percy is blossoming, he knows he is finally, truly home.
  13. What a wonderful tribute to a very special hound who led a very full life with his people. I am so sorry for you loss.
  14. Greyhounds need less Pred than the standard dosing amount. I don't remember what it is, but someone will. You might also ask about switching to Medrol - it does the same job but has milder side effects. I used it with my old whippet who already had some "need to go now or I will pee right here" issues, and the Medrol did not make things worse. Good luck!
  15. Judy, condolences to the entire family. What an awful shock.
  16. Donna I am so sorry. Cooper may not have been with you long, but he found his own very special place in your home and in your heart, and knew true, unconditional love. Bless you and Klaus for taking him in, knowing this day would come. May you find comfort in the happiness and love he left carrying with him, always.
  17. Anne I am so sorry. Tibbie was such a part of the GT family. My thoughts are with you.
  18. So glad Coopernikis found his way to you, to be loved and enjoy life as it should be as a gentle old man. With an eye for the ladies
  19. I am so sorry for your loss of a very special little girl.
  20. Rickiesmom


    Oh no! I am so sorry for your family and all who loved her.
  21. Hoping Nita is recovering well, and feeling better now that that painful leg is gone.
  22. I am so sad another beautiful hound has been taken by cancer. My heart goes out to her family and all who loved her.
  23. Burts Bees also makes a Hand Balm that is very nice. I bought it one time when I couldn't get Bag Balm. You could have a look at the ingredients and see what you thought. Hope something soothing clears this up.
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