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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. Hopefully it will turn out to be a benign cyst.
  2. Although cost is important it is not the most important. All dentals are not equal, make sure you know exactly what is being done for the $$. I pay $300. for a dental with mild to moderate tartar and no extractions. There is always pre-dental bloodwork, IV fluids started, (before) greyhound approved (propofol) anesthesia, EKG before and during dental, oxygen monitored, temperature is taken before, during and after, etc. Warm water blanket for wakeup. Antibiotics are started one week before dental and given one week after but I pay for those extra.
  3. I would ask the vet about starting her on Carafate (sucralfate). (Carafate will coat the stomach, it can be used for ulcers.) Carafate is given at least one before or two hours after eating. My Renie has been having some pretty bad tummy problems and she gets Prilosec 30 minutes before breakfast and Carafate two hours after dinner, and that is keeping her tummy settled. Other meds are always given with food. She is not fed kibble at all. Poor Shanti, I hope she is eating better and feeling better soon. On the tripe you should be able to get it at pet stores that carry the better foods, or you can also order online. linky for tripe
  4. Yes, I have had a greyhound with incontinence, sometimes it is that, and sometimes it can be kept under control with medication. I think our Maggie was about 9 when her incontinence began. It took me a bit to snap on what was happening, at first I just thought she had been licking the bed, but then it got to be more obvious. We have also had uti's so would make sure to rule that out just in case.
  5. I am so sorry. Godspeed Harley run with the angels.
  6. I am so sorry. With our Charlie we had less then two weeks before the pain was too much for even morphine.
  7. I think it was Dr. Feeman who posted some time back about North Carolina, that is where I heard about it originally.
  8. Bless his heart. Sending gentle ear scritches to Harley and prayers for a good recovery.
  9. It looks like they did a good job "putting him back together". If one is muzzeled they should all be muzzled, otherwise you would be leaving one dog pretty much helpless. Three or four feet is nothing to jump for a large dog. I agree I would either crate or muzzle everyone with a greyhound basket muzzle.
  10. Oh no, I am so sorry. Godspeed Wrangles.
  11. Oww that looks really sore. Poor baby, sending gentle ear scritches for Ryan and prayers for a good diagnosis and recovery.
  12. What Burpdog said. I would bump the Fresh Factors up to 4 a day.
  13. I am so sorry. That final act of love is so very hard. Godspeed Allie, run with all the angels.
  14. Cost varies widely depending on your location. Here ours are about $300 for normal dental no extractions.
  15. I have read that stroke recovery is better in dogs then in people. Hopefully this will be the case for Noza.
  16. I agree. Any time my dogs are given anesthesia they are also given IV fluids.
  17. I have always used antirobe but I do give stomach support also.
  18. Sending good thoughts and gentle ear scritches to Diamond.
  19. Darcy is certainly her usual precious self in the video. So glad to see her feeling better.
  20. He wasn't doing the backward sneeze thing was he? I would have him checked out just to be on the safe side, I don't think that is being an alarmist.
  21. I am so sorry. Run with the angels Ford.
  22. I am so sorry. Run with all the angels sweet guy.
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