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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. I am so sorry. I have traveled the OS road also. Sending prayers for Harley.
  2. I would take him to an eye specialist, an opthamologist.
  3. Some vets are just not that familiar with pannus. I would recommend seeing a veterinary opthamologist. They have all the optical equipment plus the training. The average vet office just does not have that equipment.
  4. Jamie, I hope that your boyfriend's mother appreciates your love and care that you are giving Harley.
  5. I agree with Batmom, I would call the vet.
  6. There is never any guarantee when a surgery is done on anyone. I would ask the vet what would she/he do if this was their dog. As others have mentioned, there is Care Credit. Care Credit link Sending prayers to Jane.
  7. Definitely call the vet or e-vet. Even if they were in pieces if they glob up together due to the warmth in her body they could cause a blockage.
  8. Jamie, welcome to Greytalk, I'm sorry that the reason is Harley being in pain. He looks so sweet. As Batmom said, I would absolutely not wait for more x-rays, if he is in that much pain ask the vet to add to the current pain med until you know what is going on. By all means Harley should be seen by an oncologist or at least by an orthopedic vet and the x-rays need to be read by a radiologist. Also, as Batmom suggested get in touch with Ohio State University and Dr. Couto's group. They are the experts in pretty much anything greyhound an especially in osteosarcoma. Dr. Couto will consult with you and your local vet and will read the x-rays and he will not charge for this. Dr. C. Guillermo e-mail Couto.1@osu.edu e-mail greyosu@osu.edu (614)292-3551 phone (614)292-6464 fax Sending prayers for Harley. If you cannot locate an oncologist or a radiologist The University of Missouri-Columbia should be able to help you locate specialists. They have a teaching hospital and their small animal clinic should have specialists from all disciplines. link to U of M info
  9. I'm sure you will get lots of replies. My suggestion is to have a comprehensive senior (blood) panel and urinalysis every six months and at that time also a physical exam with manipulation by Billy's veterinarian. Another is to make sure Billy's dental care is good. My three also get Fresh Factors and Joint Health from Springtime. link to Springtime
  10. Beaubelle, welcome to Greytalk. I hope that your Leah's vet will know where to send blood for tick disease titers. Tick diseases can lay dormant for years.
  11. Welcome to Greytalk. The panting can be a sign of pain and/or of stress, extra water drinking can be from a stomach that is upset or acidic or nauseous which would also cause stress. There are so many possibilities including the heart. Has the veterinarian suggest x-ray or ultrasound of the kidneys/abdomen?
  12. I agree with Batmom on the vet trip. Pepcid is for acid indigestion and heartburn and Immodium is for diarrhea, so it depends on which symptom you are treating.
  13. Bullie needs to be seen by a good vet for a thorough examination with manipulation and x-rays. The "bumps" on the ribs are likely normal, but the limp could be very serious. Greyhounds tend to be very stoic and not cry out unless the pain is bad, but the limping and panting is telling you he is in pain, and I would consider that an emergency. I would not borrow any Rymadyl or any other pain med, they may mask the pain and make it more difficult for an accurate exam. I hope Bullie gets treatment and feels better soon.
  14. Was a culture done? One thing I would do right away is change his drinking water to either filtered water (like a Britta filter put on the faucet) or bottled distilled water. As greyluck said, the cranberry pills are a good idea also, once the infection is gone.
  15. Sending prayers and gentle ear scritches for Heath. I hope you are able to get a diagnosis the first of the week, that way at least you will know what you are up against.
  16. I just printed the form from North Carolina State University's web site and my vet's office sent the blood to them. NCSU the form link NCSU is supposed to be number one at this time for tick diseases.
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