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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. I am so sorry. Run with the angels Jazzy.
  2. I am so sorry. Run with the angels Birdie.
  3. What a sweet girl, I am so sorry.
  4. I am so sorry. Godspeed Presto, run with all the angels.
  5. I am so sorry. You are so right, we have to love them enough to know when to let them go. Run with the angels Chance, and send your folks a sign that you are OK.
  6. I'm glad the gravel came out, goodness Kulee, don't be eating that stuff. I have one that eats inappropriate things also. The last time (a few weeks ago) ended up being e-vet and $2500. I have found that if I can keep her stomach calm she doesn't do it, so Renie is on daily meds for her tummy.
  7. Hopefully you have heard from the vet. You might try over-cooking the rice and serving it really wet. You could also try some pasta in place of the rice and see if he still spits up. A couple of thoughts I had was the rice maybe causing his throat to feel kind of like he is choking, another was maybe acid reflux.
  8. The incisors my be worn down instead of broken.
  9. I am so sorry. Godspeed Jazzy run with the angels.
  10. I am so sorry. Godspeed Chance... run with all the angels.
  11. Darcy you are a beauty with or without hair, just keep on eating sweetie, I want to kiss your fuzzy (or non-fuzzy) nose.
  12. I hope your sweet boy feels better soon.
  13. My heart girl Molly had a nerve sheath tumor on her right hind leg which was removed by a surgeon at a specialist clinic. A year later she had another on the same spot. The second time I took her to a different vet who removed it by laser. Her healing time was much quicker the second time. When these are on a greyhound leg there just isn't much skin to work with so it does leave an open wound since there isn't any skin to stitch.
  14. Molotov was my Lucy's sire so I will mention this to our vet.
  15. Some dogs can take 3 or 4 days to get all the anesthesia out of their system, and if she is not taking in fluids, that is compounding the problem. She is on pain meds, correct? If she were my dog I would get her into the vet for fluids.
  16. From our experiences with Renie, I think it's really urgent to get it quickly while it is still in the stomach. With her last "little" episode I am positive we would have lost her if we hadn't gotten her to the e-vet when we did.
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