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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. Words are inadequate... I am so, so sorry.
  2. That is so sad. Godspeed Cosmo.
  3. Incidentally, Renie never had a UTI, she did however have an increasing amount of discomfort, and a swollen, raw vulva in spite of all the cleaning and medication that was prescribed by multiple vets.
  4. My Renie did have the surgery to reconstruct at A & M University small animal clinic. This was several years ago and Renie has had absolutely no problems since the surgery, once it was healed of course. Renie did wear an Elizabethan collar for three weeks, which of course she hated, but after a couple of days she did become somewhat more comfortable with the collar. Renie was on an antibiotic and pain meds following her surgery. In my experience treating the area did absolutely nothing to end the problem. Renie was seen by several specialists and was treated with multiple meds with the area being cleaned and treated several times a day. It would look a bit better for a bit but never got completely "well". I would highly recommend the surgery, as long as it is done by a veterinarian who has experience in successful reconstruction. I wish I had Renie's surgery done right after I adopted her and realized there was a problem instead of spending two years with testing, multiple veterinarians and multiple treatments. If you have any questions feel free to PM me.
  5. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. Godspeed Tipper, run with the angels and send your folks a sign you are OK.
  6. I wonder if there has been a formula or ingredient change in Nutro...it seems like I have heard of several dogs that have had a digestive problem recently that are on Nutro.
  7. Urine analysis Maybe Dr. Feeman will see your post.
  8. Greytlady94


    I am so sorry, what a beautiful girl she was. Godspeed Athena, run with all the angels.
  9. At the age of 9 it would be a good idea to have a comprehensive senior panel done and while the lab is doing that they could also do a thyroid panel.
  10. If you get Carafate from the vet... the easiest way I have found to give that huge pill is to cut it in half, place both halves in a 6ml syringe (no needle) and draw up enough water to dissolve the Carafate (about 2 1/2-3ml). Then all you have to do is open mouth and squirt the dissolved Carafte into the back of the mouth. Renie hates to take pills and cannot be fooled by any wrap or pocket things, but by doing this she takes her Carafate with no problem.
  11. Good to see Cali is home, hope the meds do their job quickly.
  12. Good to see Otis is better. I hope the vet can find the problem tomorrow.
  13. I hope Cali is doing better this evening.
  14. Pot roast, baked chicken, pasta with cheese, waffles, meatloaf- you can just make it with ground beef, egg, oatmeal, tomato sauce, I wouldn't worry about kibble right now but you could try also EVO 95% meat canned food.
  15. I would for sure get him in on Monday for tests and x-rays. My beagle started with all of a sudden can't turn the pee off, and he had a tumor. Sending prayers.
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