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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. Come on sweet Darcy fight those bad tummy bugs.
  2. I would check with your vet. One of my dogs, Renie, will eat very strange things when her stomach doesn't feel good. This has resulted in E-vet trips since some of the things she has eaten would not have passed through.
  3. If you have stopped the treats and she hasn't returned to normal, I would take her in for a vet check.
  4. Prayers for healing for Dempsey glad he is getting around better and all of you are getting some rest.
  5. North Carolina State University School of Veterinary Medicine. This lab tests for the most strains of tick disease. The following is a link to their web site and if you scroll down it tells how the blood sample needs to be shipped. http://www.cvm.ncsu.edu/docs/ticklab.html#shippingsamples The next link is the form that should be printed and sent with the sample. http://www.cvm.ncsu.edu/docs/PDFS/ticklab/...ples_9_2007.pdf I don't know the cost but they would probably be able to tell you. Sending prayers for Jazz.
  6. I'm glad he is home. Sorry that he (and you) had such a rough night.
  7. I am so sorry. My prayers are with Chance and you and your family. As Trudy said, a bone biopsy is very painful. A good radiologist or oncologist should be able to make the diagnosis without doing a bone biopsy.
  8. Greytlady94


    Vince, I am so sorry. Godspeed Vinnie, run with all the other angels.
  9. It is such a heartbreaking decision that we have to make, my prayers are with you.
  10. What I have used after surgery and with a large open wound is Facilitator. You could literally see the granulation progress day by day. link
  11. I am so sorry. Have the x-rays been read by a specialist or only by your regular vet? The diagnosis should be able to be made with just the x-rays. As Batmom said, he is blessed that he doesn't know the future, only the here and now. Osteo is a very painful cancer and adequate pain meds are very much needed. Sending prayers for you and your boy.
  12. My Renie has been having stomach problems and I am giving her Carafate before bed, at least two hours after her last food or med, and Zantac or Pepcid twice a day 30 minutes to an hour before a meal. I also have Reglan for nausea when needed. For Renie this is going to be long term. I am feeding her Evo 95 canned or home cooked meat like boiled ground round, baked chicken, lean and tender roast beef, scrambled eggs, basically what ever she will eat. I do not give her any "treat type" foods since they have multiple ingredients. Renie was raw fed, and that had seemed to make her stomach problems better until the last few months.
  13. I have ordered from Pets Mega-Store in Australia for a number of years, but I use Heartgard Plus which they do have. My dogs are tested annually for heartworms just as they have always been. The delivery time from Pets Mega-Store has been very good, usually within about 5 days.
  14. How much, how often, and what are you feeding? Was he checked for worms?
  15. Sending prayers for sweet Miss Darcy, come on baby and eat for your mom.
  16. Good meds! Hope Polli feels better tomorrow.
  17. I hope she is feeling better soon.
  18. There are a lot of variables including where you are, how bad the teeth are, (the worse the teeth the longer the dental), if there are an extractions, etc. There are also variables in what is included in the price. We pay about $300. with no extractions and mild to moderate tartar. Included in the $300. are pre-dental boodwork, IV fluids, anesthesia, EKG, temperature is monitored before, during and after dental, etc.
  19. Poor baby, I hope she feels better soon.
  20. Sending healing prayers for Dempsey. Hopefully you will have your boy home soon and he will be more interested in eating.
  21. You know, sometimes there is stuff that just needs to come out and the dog (or person) is better off if it does.
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