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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. Greytlady94


    Vince I am so sorry. Godspeed Kevin.
  2. I am so sorry. Run with the angels Heath and send your mom a sign that you are ok.
  3. I am so sorry. Run with the angels Sadie and send your mom a sign that you are ok.
  4. Greytlady94


    I am so sorry. Godspeed Tiger...run with the angels.
  5. Sounds like a little bit got left behind.
  6. My three are 8, 9 and 9. We have gone from 3 year to now doing titers. They are on monthly heartworm preventative and see their vet every six months for a check up and blood work. If interested here is Dr. Dodd's view link
  7. I am so sorry... sending prayers for Alex. Alex only knows the here and now, he does not know anything but how he feels right now. You will know what is right for Alex.
  8. Mara I am so sorry that Mattie and you are going through this. Sending prayers for Mattie and you and for your husband with his deploymant.
  9. I've taken Lasix for many years and have never had burping as a side effect. I wonder if he may be somehow eating or drinking a little different to where he is swallowing air. I'm glad the Pepcid made him feel better. What are the possible side effects of Lasix Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Stop using Lasix and call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects: dry mouth, thirst, nausea, vomiting; feeling weak, drowsy, restless, or light-headed; fast or uneven heartbeat; muscle pain or weakness; urinating less than usual or not at all; easy bruising or bleeding, unusual weakness; a red, blistering, peeling skin rash; hearing loss; or nausea, stomach pain, low fever, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes). Less serious side effects may include: diarrhea, constipation, or stomach pain; headache; numbness, burning, pain, or tingly feeling; dizziness; or blurred vision. This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Tell your doctor about any unusual or bothersome side effect.
  10. Sending Miss Wingie lots of good thoughts and gentle ear scritches.
  11. Sending prayers and gentle ear scritches for Cullen.
  12. Sending Carrier lots of prayers and gentle ear scritches. I have dilated cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure and Coreg and Lasix are two of the drugs I take. Both of them can cause dizziness. I'm wondering if one of the drugs Carrier is on is a digitalis like Lanoxin or Digoxin (just two of the brand names). I was on Lanoxin along with the Coreg, Lasix, etc. and after I had been on it a while it caused my heart to go out of sinc and I was feeling very poorly and had spells of just going out. Coreg is a tough med to be on, and it does take some manipulation to get the dosage right, but it can reduce the size of an enlarged heart, it reduced mine back to normal size.
  13. I am so sorry Alex has had to go through all of this. Sending prayers and gentle ear scritches for Alex.
  14. Congratulations to Julio and his parents!!!!
  15. Wow, no doctor for a month, that is great! Sending gentle ear scritches for Darcy. I was going to ask you about the wind also, it looks really strong.
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