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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. I am so sorry. Godspeed Snowman run with the angels.
  2. His candle shines brightly to show you he is ok.
  3. I am so sorry...words are not enough. :candle Godspeed Homie, Ripley and Tarko...run with the angels.
  4. Checking back to see how Bill is doing and saw the pictures...OMG poor baby, I am so glad he is home and doing OK.
  5. What a beautiful tribute to your Flecka. I am so sorry for your loss. The pictures clearly show how happy she was to be a part of your family and they will be a constant dear memory for all of you. Godspeed Flecka, run with the angels.
  6. I am so sorry your boy has had this diagnosis, osteo is probably the most hated word for any of us. We lost one of our greys, Charlie to osteo at age 6. You are doing the right things, asking questions and learning about what you are facing, and the options. You know your boy, and you will know what is the best thing to do for Cannon. Once you have made the decision don't second guess yourself, any decision you make will be made with love, and will be the right decision for Cannon. Sending prayers for Cannon.
  7. Poor Pop, he is really having a hard time. You are only about 3 to 4 hours from OSU and the greyhound experts, if at all possible I would take him there. It sounds like the vets who have seen him have not really given him the proper care. I have done the vet run-around before, and if I had just gone directly to A & M Vet School we would have done much better.
  8. I am so sorry. Godspeed Malone, run with the angels.
  9. Greytlady94


    I am so sorry what a beautiful baby. Run with the angels.
  10. Ah, Spottydog, I hope you and Molly found each other. When the spooks find someone they can believe in, that person has been given the most precious gift there is.
  11. I am so sorry. Godspeed Daphne run with the angels.
  12. Bev I am so sorry. What a beautiful tribute you have written about the wonderful Sally. You make us smile while still being sad that this sweet girl has passed on. Maddison must surely have been waiting for her. Sally had such wonderful ears and a precious smile. Thank you for sharing her with us. Godspeed Sally.
  13. No one knows your baby Flecka as well as you do. What ever you do will be the right thing for Flecka, you will know what is right.
  14. 04/01/92 - 02/15/05 Inky Flake Molly, my baby girl, my heart, I miss you always. Every day of my life I think of you, a very large piece of my heart went with you. I don't remember when I wrote this about Molly, it was after she recovered from ehrlichia, I believe she was 9 at the time..... Dedicated To My Molly, For The Shy Ones My Molly was the most shy, afraid, introverted Greyhound I had ever seen. In March 1994 we had adopted our first Greyhound, Casey, and he had become a companion to our aged Beagle Charlie, who was 11 at the time. One year later we lost Charlie to cancer, and it was obvious that Casey really missed his little buddy Charlie, so in March 1995 we took Casey to GPA to find a companion for him, and for us too. We looked at a number of Greyhounds that day, and Casey, being the easy going guy he was, liked them all. There was one black Grey, named Inky at the time, who was so afraid, she stood all tightened up like a statue. She wouldn't look at you, she pretty much just stood there, shaking. She was (is) so beautiful, very muscular and compact, but a very sad little girl. We decided to take her home, I was afraid she would not be adopted for a very long time because of her fear and shyness. Inky became Molly, and wanted only to be in a crate, she was so fearful of contact. Day by day I would talk to her very quietly, sit and stroke her, all the time telling her she was such a good girl. We did take the crate down after a while, and she would lay on her bed along side of Casey's bed. She would follow him to go outside, and every so often she would slowly sneak up behind me and touch my hand with her nose. Eventually, after many more months Molly would come up and bump her nose under my hand. Then the day finally came, that Molly looked at me with what I can only describe as an adoring look, and she became my shadow. If we had anyone over at our house, she would run and hide, and then after a while you would see the little black nose peek around the corner to see what we were doing. Now, seven years later, Molly is still aloof to people coming in the house, even people who have been here many times. The other three Greys will come to greet the visitor, but not Molly, she will look from a distance, but Molly is still my shadow, if I say "lets go to bed guys", the other three will run for the bedroom, Molly will go about halfway, then stop and wait for me while I straighten up, turn off lights etc. Then Molly and I head for bed. She always watches me, and the look in her eyes is so beautiful. I love all of my Greys, they are all very different, no two have been alike. Since adopting Molly in March 1995 we have adopted three more, and lost two, Casey and another Charlie, both to cancer. Molly was very sick right after Thanksgiving, and for several days I was so afraid I was going to lose her. I could not bear posting about Molly's illness, I was too upset. Molly did rally and she is just fine now, has gained back some quickly lost weight, not all of it, but she will. Molly is my Heart Hound, there will never be another like her. Her love and devotion to me is ever so much an honor and reward, because I know what she was like and what she became. So I guess my whole reason for this long, rambling post is, if you are thinking of adopting a Grey for the first time, or for the fourth or fifth time, take a look at the ones who are huddled back in their crate, and are too shy to come forward, with time, patience and love, they will become your greatest admirer. The shy ones are a special gift from God. This was written about Molly later on..... The Shy Ones, a Special Gift From God The shy ones are a very special gift from God. I get upset, (and I'm sure it shows), when people do not have the compassion to understand a shy dog, but instead take it as a personal insult from the dog. All it takes is time and patience, time and patience, time and patience. There can be no greater joy then...... standing in a yard with your back to her, if you look at her she will be too nervous to potty, so you have learned to stand facing away, your hands loosely behind your back, you stand and wait, letting her have her private time. Days pass, weeks pass, months pass, then one night, standing with your back to her, your hands loosely behind your back, you feel her nose. Cautiously she is bumping your hand, she has come to you. Over time this becomes her way of asking for attention, she bumps your hand with her nose. There is no greater joy. In time she progressed from bumping my hand with her nose, while my hands stayed very still behind my back. She eventually began to bump my arm with her nose when she would come up beside me if I was sitting down. The day finally came that she looked into my eyes. The expression in her eyes was an expression of love and trust. I was her mom, she trusted me. She got really good with that nose, she could really wop my arm. She loved to have her ears rubbed, she would groan and lean into my hand. When anyone came over she would run from whatever room we were in and go hide where "they" could not see her. This probably went on for a couple of years. Later, maybe after two years, you could see a black nose peak around the corner to see who had come. She wouldn't come out though, would not greet the visitors like the others did. But that was ok. She began to come into her own as she became a senior. No longer so shy, she would come up to a select few. The others she would look at from the comfort and safety of her bed. She was a bossy girl by now and would talk to me every night, fussing at me until I gave her just the right food that she wanted. Baked chicken, lean pot roast, her special meat loaf... If you have ever had the love of a shy one you have been truly blessed.
  15. Greytlady94


    What a beautiful angel.
  16. Poor Jake, I bet that really hurt. Sending lots of healing thoughts.
  17. Prayers continue for Dude. Do they have him on orthopedic foam or sheepskin? Either one should help him not develop more bed sores. My youngest son spent 65 days in the hospital and that is what we had for him, and no bed sores.
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