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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. I'm so glad that Louie is OK. I agree, I would definitely seperate them until all the feeding is over, either by baby gate or crating.
  2. I am so, so sorry. Godspeed Turbo, run with all the other angels.
  3. I would not give Rimadyl without the dog being seen by a veterinarian. The Rimadyl can mask the pain, and as Patricia said there should be lab work first. I hope it's nothing serious.
  4. Sending prayers and gentle ear scritches for Dempsey.
  5. I am so sorry. Has the vet prescribed morphine for the bad times?
  6. Not a bad diagnosis, Pannus is generally well controlled with daily medication.
  7. Fantastic that Winslow is still going strong!! Diane, do you know what Winslow's diet has been for the year since his surgery?
  8. Sending many good thoughts and prayers to Darcy.
  9. Sending prayers for Beecher and Tessie.
  10. There is a product called Facilitator that really helps speed the granulation and healing. You could ask the vet about it. I used it on Molly's leg. With no extra skin there was a pretty good size open wound that needed to heal and the Facilitator really helped, you could see the granulation improve daily.
  11. As Patti said, for peace of mind I would have it checked.
  12. My Molly had a nerve sheath tumor on her right rear leg. The tumor was removed and came back one year later. The second time it was removed by laser surgery, and that time it healed much more quickly. Sending prayers for Lady.
  13. Ahhh, poor baby, hope he heals quickly and with no more problems. I agree, quality of life is the most important thing.
  14. Were the second set of x-rays also sent to Dr. Couto?
  15. My dogs are on heartworm preventative year round and I have always had a heartworm test done annually. Heartgard has been available since 1986, so that's a lot of heartworm tests, but I believe it is worth it.
  16. I order Heartgard Plus from Pets Megastore in Australia but they don't sell Sentinel or Interceptor to US customers.
  17. I'm glad the pain got under control so he (and you) could get some rest. I would also ask the vet about morphine in addition to increasing the meds Beecher is currently on. It would be good to have some morphine on hand in case they are needed in the middle of the night at some point. When our Charlie had osteo the vet did give us morphine to have on hand and we did need it the last night. I am so sorry you and Beecher are going through this. I know what you mean about having them at the same age. My greys are 8, 9 & 9 and so far ok, but having already had four who were diagnosed with different forms of cancer, it is never too far from my thoughts.
  18. Glad to see this. Other then intranasal bordetella, I no longer do vaccines, I have titers done.
  19. I am so sorry. Godspeed Dear, run with all the other angels.
  20. Greytlady94


    Godspeed Rugrat
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