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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Of course they are remembered and what a great video Fencetop--best kitteh name evah!
  2. A shirt with a collar?? Oh the horror 🙀. You have my profound sympathies. That's just knot rite.
  3. It takes a true loving brother to sit on your head every thunderstorm! Fly free and healthy. We're cloudy so no chance of seeing your star tonight but others will I'm sure.
  4. Wow is that an impressive set of earsies! Welcome to Nirvana sweetie.
  5. Would you please add Jazz, a GT kitteh
  6. Guess lumpy is way better than some of the alternatives.
  7. OMG I totally missed this news. Welcome Sadie Rose and work hard to get those nerves under control.
  8. Just now seeing this but seems like I'm in time to bakandforthbakandforth for Sweep. Holding all good thoughts.
  9. How is the bacon bar up there, Ewan? Rest well.
  10. Whozagudboi?? Nigel!!!!! Run fast and healthy sweetie. We will miss your stories.
  11. Remind me of the alpaca thing please?
  12. Happy birthday sweetie! We miss you down here.
  13. Dig fast and furiously up there at The Bridge sweetie and send your mom a sign. Truly never took a bad picture.
  14. Linus and Jazz point out that it is entirely appropriate to spoil kittehs today too in honor of our beloved Pimpmaster.
  15. Everybody has said it all already. Am I the only one who just got teary?
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