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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Oh no! Doesn't seem like that long ago we were being cyber-midwives. Big hugs to you all.
  2. Run ahead, Fruitcake, and enjoy all the food the Bridge holds.
  3. Well, since it is being referenced . . .
  4. Dear Chase, We have always been in awe of you--The Supreme One of Felinehood. Your hisses were beyond what we could ever imagine producing. *Bowing to the Bridge in honor of Himself* L&J
  5. Run free, sweetie and send mom and dad a sign.
  6. Patsy

    Lefty Kitty

    Fly fast and whole, little one. Have fun terrorizing the Bridge.
  7. We're sending you all our good thoughts, Misser Toby . . . . pain-free sounds like a wonderful option! Linus and Jazz
  8. No words because everyone has already said them all, but loving thoughts coming your way. Thank heavens George of Noo England is still reporting on life at the Bridge in the WFUBCC!
  9. The picture against the moulding moving is an especially clever touch sweetie. Keep on!
  10. You are both remembered fondly and my current kittehs love their fleece pads and stuffed critters that came from you ages ago. Run with the angels sweetie. Good job on the rainbow.
  11. Been on a 5-week camping trip with virtually no internet capability, so I'm just getting caught up now. Big hugs to you on the loss of Poodle--truly one of a kind.
  12. Been on the road and just saw this hugs to you all and i am glad he is back home where he belongs
  13. Hoping you're finding a wealth of pillows up there; you sure were one of a kind!
  14. Run free, Skeeterbug, and save a lovely shady spot. You sure can pick a good campsite!
  15. Such sad news; he was always a fascinating "read".
  16. What good news about Red! We have all 8 paws crossed here in ND for you . . . . urm . . . . Red, you don't eat kittehs, do you? Linus and Jazz in ND
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