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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Patsy

    Dickcheney Is Gone

    One of the best names ever! Just saw this today so I'll raise a glass tonight. Hugs to your pack
  2. A Classic thread, indeed! I've always thought it should have been pinned somewhere--maybe a new section named "Classics"?? Definitely a guy thing.
  3. Can't say it any better than Rickiesmom just said! Way to go, Wabi, . . . . your mom (and all of us) needed that!
  4. oh my! Thank heavens for clever neighbors and I hope things go well.
  5. Of course you're remembered! Big hugs
  6. Patsy

    Momma Tess

    The sheer joy in that second picture!! Hugs to you.
  7. Patsy


    Run fast and healthy, sweetie.
  8. Please add me to North Dakota. Grand Forks
  9. Hoping Da Bean is doing better on the new antibiotics and that marshmallows are still the nectar of the gods.
  10. Relentless and nasty, indeed! I've had them swarm us when canoeing in the Boundary Waters--they just won't GO AWAY. I'd love to hear about something that works.
  11. Kestralyn and I have put our heads together and raided Mom's jewelry box again this year. Miss Nellie's, here we come!
  12. I know it's KNOT funny, but this . . . . Opal's foster mom called her Devil Spawn . . . . is one of the funniest things I've ever read! Hang in there!
  13. Holding all good thoughts for you and Vinnie!
  14. Of course I remember. Hugs to you.
  15. If this has been covered before, my apologies. On a thread title, in this case "started by Jeff" and a date, the print is a very very light grey and very hard to read. The actual title itself is quite legible. Is this "just the way it's going to be" or is there something I can do?
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