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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Crossing everything that's crossable out here.
  2. Patsy

    Ion Miss Muffet

    Cndolences on the loss of your Miss Muffet; she was truly special.
  3. Goodby, sweetie . . . . you were one of the iconic GT dogs.
  4. No words, no fair, heaps of support coming your way.
  5. I'm sorry Luna's journey with you is coming to an end; she's stunningly beautiful. Supportive hugs to you all.
  6. Burps, farts, good poop, and a nurse-grandma . . . . what more could a recovering hound need? You rock, Pinky!
  7. Patsy

    My Dixie Girl

    That picture just lifted my heart--she was obviously happy and very special--not to mention gorgeous! Hugs to you.
  8. Sending white light to Pinky and her family and medical people today.
  9. That's what a concerned community is about--mutual support. Hugs
  10. (((Beryl))) No words--just sending many supportive thoughts your way. Many of us remember him fondly.
  11. You've got 'em, so to speak! B9 B9 B9 *repeating as necessary*
  12. I wish I could bubblewrap your sorrowing hearts.
  13. Shesh, gee! I know it must be hard to thread a needle without opposable thumbs, but I don't think you used quite the right alternative approach. Get bettere rightawayquik, please.
  14. "Sweet Sixteen" . . . . Loca having a Sweet Sixteen party--now there's a mental image! Speaking of mental images, how about posting the pic of her standing on the bar/restaurant table? Was that Dewey? Nobody will ever be able to rock a red velvet thong better than Herself!!
  15. Wabi, are you trying to play tricks on me? What's a dandelion in "fluff stage" doing on my berm last night--October 14th--in North Dakota, no less! PRICELESS! Hugs to you, Xan, and DH.
  16. Happy birthday, sweetie. Little steps . . . . little steps add up.
  17. Miss Meadow, I have it on the very best authority that there are pastures at the Bridge full of peanut butter crackers . . . . enjoy while you're waiting for your family. My condolence to you; when you feel you can, would you post some pictures of her?
  18. Run fast and strong sweetie and send your family a sign. Hugs to you
  19. Patsy

    Buzz Kitty

    I suspect Nurse Buzz chose his time to cost you the least amount of pain possible. Run free and frisky, sweet Buzz and look up my recently-arrived Mutti who'd love to play with you. Hugs to you
  20. Thanks for the encouragement, Ducky . . . . Mutti's back home where she belongs.
  21. No useful advice to offer but white light coming Dorie's way for her procedure today. You're on the nightly ND candle, sweetie.
  22. Man--I can't seem to bring myself to stop at our vets and pick up her ashes . . . . I've been avoiding it for 2 weeks now! Never reacted that way before. Perhaps some community thoughts of "enough already, Patsy, stop at the vets and bring her home" might help?
  23. Wabi, sweetie--I was at a potluck at our nearby state park last night--and the shelter was in the midst of a field of dandelions! In North Dakota, the end of September?? Who would have expected it! I blew one that was all fluff in your memory.
  24. Patsy

    Lester And Ace

    They sound wonderful! Could you post some pictures for us?
  25. Happy birthday, sweetie. You wear your hats with such panache!
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