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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Run swift and free over the Bridge, sweetie, and send folks a sign.
  2. Could you share some pictures of your sweet Hammie?
  3. Hope things are going better . . . . and I have to say your siggy wins my Gold Star of the Week!
  4. WOW--that looks soooooo much better . . . . and if it were me, I wouldn't want you to touch it, either! Way to go, pretty girl.
  5. Patsy

    My Cat Neumann

    I'm sorry your Neummy had to leave you--he sounds very special. I'm sending my Bridge kitty Mutti thoughts to find him.
  6. Patsy


    Holy cow; what a character! Thank you for letting him be himself--and don't you wonder what all those streams of "duck-ish" truly meant all those years?
  7. My thoughts are with you and beauiful Sara . . . . so glad you have your mom's support this sad day.
  8. I'm sorry it was Mighty's time to leave you--he sounds very very special. When you can, could you post some more pictures?
  9. Sending all good thoughts to both of you.
  10. Holding your aching heart in my thoughts. Run free and happy beautiful boy.
  11. Putting Willie on the candle. Sending him gentle scritches and you a big hug.
  12. Renewing good thoughts and white light from North Dakota.
  13. Patsy


    No words, but much love sent your way.
  14. Boy, he sure loved his water didn't he! My condolences to you on your loss.
  15. Patsy


    What a good older sister you were--to be so stoic about your "fluffed" bed! You were gorgeous.
  16. No words but all the white light I can muster.
  17. Crossing everything crossable here for you all.
  18. Just seeing this now. Remember, pretty Symbra, "drugs are our friends". Hope you get used to your new world riteawaykwik. Hugs to your mommy.
  19. Hooray for knowing he *has* legs! Hope the eating/syringing goes well today and sparks a happier tummy.
  20. *Putting Toby on the nightly ND candle* Hope today is a good day.
  21. Patsy


    Hugs to you. That picture is, in my opinion, one of the "iconic" GT pix.
  22. Happy Bridge Birthday, sweetie--party hard up there.
  23. Gentle hugs to your entire family/pack.
  24. Patsy


    That must feel very strange, indeed. I'm sorry it was her time to go. Hugs
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