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Everything posted by Mystella

  1. Stella has already given the coat a good test run in our snow day yesterday, she loves it and it is so beautiful!! Sorry to be so slow on the pics, we were at a Christmas party last weekend and left our digi cam at the inlaws, will get it back this weekend!!!!!!! The beautiful coats and story of the Bolivian Rescue along with lots of great pics and goodies, can be found on Sherry's website Hearts and Hounds: Hearts and Hounds As a further plug to the great embodiment of Christmas Spirit that Sherry is, you will also see in the Pet Merchandise forum that she gave away by lottery system some fantastic art to various greyhound rescue groups for their fundraising efforts. You are a class act madam and Stelly and I are proud to have been lucky enough to be your Secret Santa recipients!!!
  2. Updated post #1 as "Resistance was futile" Woo hoo!!
  3. I did a sneak peek into one package (I had to fess up) and it looks to be a really cool leash!!!! That peek left me giddy and elated so I have managed to resist opening the rest so far. This is so uncharacteristic for me!!!! But all heck hasn't frozen over, I still had my lunch done by 740 this morning
  4. Yes I am but not because my willpower has improved, only because I have the flu and haven't got off the couch all weekend. Will I be able to hold out till tomorrow??? This might be a record for me!!!!!
  5. Still holding out!! I am telling myself to just wait till tomorrow
  6. I had a note on my door to go to the post office for a package I couldn't resist opening it, but Santa must know that so everything inside was wrapped the card said "Don't open till Christmas' on the front!!!! Of course I can't be trusted, heck I have never yet made it past 8am before eating my lunch at work, so I opened the card. Hey!!! It still doesn't say who it is from, just says Santa and the elves, also doesn't tell me what is in the many parcels inside. I dutifully put them up and didn't open, but I gotta tell you Santa, I know I won't make it through the weekend. I am aware of my limits So Thank You Thank You whoever you are and I will post again once I break down and open them, which will probably be at 4:01 since I get home from work at 4 UPDATE I opened my numerous and awesome gifts OMG Thank you so much Goldsmom you absolutely spoiled us and I can't wait to take pics tonight. Stella is the very proud owner of an absolutely stunning Incan coat and the story behind them is amazing, they are hand made in Bolivia by workers at the only animal rescue facility there. That in itself would have kept both Stella and I thrilled all year but Sheri went overboard and also sent a cute birdhouse collar, a really cool travel pack that holds dog food and collapsible food and water bowls, an awesome leash that reflects at night, a chic and stylish greyhound bandana and a fantastic greyhound picture frame I am overwhelmed by your generosity and absolutely love all the presents. I can't wait to take pics of Stella in the coat, it is beautiful. THANK YOU SHERI (GOLDSMOM) and HEARTS AND HOUNDS Luv, Carolyn and Stella
  7. Pics we need pics (No I'm not santa, just nosey )
  8. Which brings up a good question: Do you wait to open your SS packages. I try to but let's face it, I have no self control
  9. Cinnibuns has answered but poor Hannah might be getting coal if her momma doesn't 'get the lead out'
  10. She is , well, Dazzling. Congrats mom and dad, Tip will teach her the ropes in no time!!
  11. Hey y'all better at least acknowledge my creative genius or you are getting double coal in your stockings!!!
  12. I sent you both this poem via pm but realized I forgot to tell you who was the 'pup' in question. Of course it is Cinnibuns and Hanna that the following is in regard to: His boots have been polished, the sleigh is all clean, he knows who's been nice, he knows who's been mean So as his favourite elf my job should be done, but it seems Ol' St. Nick is still having some fun He wants information, so that is my goal, because if I don't deliver we both will get coal !!! So go grab a tape measure and settle in, settle down what is the distance from pup nose to ground? From collar to tail would be how long? What is your favourite colour? What is your favourite song? I don't like that shade so please pick another? Do pups ears curl back? Do you have a brother? Around pup's neck is what size? Around the chest? and from nose to eyes? Does pup like things that jingle or squeek? Is pup bold? or shy and meek? Right now I am Santa's #1 helper at the very top of my class so don't skip any questions or Santa will kick my elf a$$
  13. Its Dazzling Day Oops sorry that was off topic Gorgeous photos of the Tipster!
  14. Jeannine you aren't playing this year!! You are the best SS ever and you weren't even my SS yet I still got a gift out of it Gorgeous Jammies and what a clever and sneaky elf too!
  15. Someone needs to be in charge of PMing all the ones that haven't been read and let them know there is a thread No I am not volunteering
  16. Sure I would if it survived Canada Customs in a timely manner
  17. What a wonderful tribute to a special girl!! Seems Dancer and I have a few common traits, enjoyment of the kidlets and disdain for birds We will see you later Dancer
  18. Aww Aims. Marla loved being with you, there is no doubt in that. Did she carry a little spark of sadness from her loss, probably, just like you do too but you have nothing to be sorry for at all, it takes a brave soul to adopt the seniors knowing that you will likely have just long enough to love them. It is a wonderful gift to them and the cost of it is a little piece of your heart ever time. You have had a horrible year, all Eeyore jokes aside you have had a heavy weight to bear this past while and my wish for you is some carefree happy days ahead See you later Marly girl
  19. One other tip that you consider for long distance shopping is 'internet shopping' you can order things for your SS from their country of origin even if you aren't there and have it wrapped and shipped directly to them to avoid duties/import taxes, high shipping costs etc. Most of our GT vendors will do this for you and even let you send a personal note to go with it which they will print and enclose.
  20. Remember to mark your customs form as 'gift' and put the value as low as you realistically can. Also if you description says something like 'Made is USA pet items' then Canada Customs likely won't charge any duty. One year I had to pay $17 duty on my gift but it was still soooo worth it I shipped something to Australia and it was ravaged and pillaged by their customs. They took most of it out. Check the country's restrictions. Oz allows almost no food in, even if they sell it there (they took individually wrapped greenies, even though they sell them in their pet stores) I am sure there are more tips, so feel free to add some!
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