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Everything posted by Mystella

  1. That sounds exactly like what we have. DH and I both tried to gently manipulate it back, no luck. Stella was stoic, as she usually is. I gave her some metacam and she seems to be doing well, but toe is still pointing the wrong way. There is a vets office in town that is open on Sundays, they open in 40 minutes and I am sitting by the phone waiting to call and tell them I am coming in. Thanks for the advice everone. I really hate using our evet, not only because they are expensive, but I haven't had good luck with them, they tend to be alarmist and give contraindictory advice to that of my regular vet who I really love. Don't get me wrong in the middle of the night if something goes wrong I am incredibly greatful that we have an evet clinic, but they are definitely a last resort.
  2. I have some metacam on hand, would that be better than the aspirin??
  3. Argh. This morning Stella did crazy zooms in the yard, came up limping. By the time I got her in the house she was walking normally again and all looked fine. About ten minutes ago we were outside and she did more crazy running, and started limping and holding up her rear leg. Her toe is obviously dislocated. Of course vets office is closed. Do I take her to the evet ($150 to walk in the door before any treatment!) or let her use the other three legs till morning and take her to the clinic in town (still not our regular vet but not evet either) that is open on Sundays. I know it 'might' go back into place on its own or might not. She did this 3 years ago as well, also on a Saturday evening and when I got to the evet she hopped down out of the car and knocked it back into place, however she dislocated it 3 more times that summer and it has never happened again until today. I am not confident enough about what I am doing to put it back myself. Advice please please please!!!
  4. Oh Court I am so sorry I remember that you have someone special up there that will give Kavana scritches and play with him till the far off day when you are all together again.
  5. If it is a bug bite it will probably stay the same size, ringworm will grow. A call to the kennel you had him at might help because if it is ringworm, he likely is not the only one with it. It is very contagious our whole ASPCA had to be shut down for a month while they tried to get it under control.
  6. I was going to say ringworm, I actually got it once, caught it from a horse (long story ) and the bulls eye rash is trademark. It is very contagious so if you have other pets keep them away till you figure it out and wash your hands thoroughly to because as I said above re the horse, it is contagious to humans as well.
  7. Just checking in for an update but I see I am too early for that. Hugs and scritches to you and goods, you can divide them as you see fit
  8. Aww Aimee prayers and good thoughts on the way for Chancey and I am sorry to be so late to post to this. For some reason (probably mainly that I am a doofus) I had your puppers confused and was thinking that Chancy's problem was the dislocated toe and I wondered why you were so obsessively worried about it. We'll send lots of good thoughts and energy out to the stripedy girl on Thursday for sure
  9. Why do I open threads about bugs when I know they will just creep me out and make me itchy Off to shower now
  10. Thank you for sharing Bounty with us through your posts and stories, we will remember him always and look forward to hearing your memories of him, and for you I hope the day comes soon when those memories come with a smile instead of a tear. My boss just asked what is wrong because I have tears running down my face and when I told him, he said 'that is the hardest thing to have to do, saying goodbye to a friend' He is right it is the hardest, but it isn't goodbye, just see you later.
  11. Hugs to BB from me and a kiss on the snout to you Wish I was closer chicklet
  12. Oh Major!! It is nice of you to TRY to save your mama some money, but dentals are NOT do-it-yourself procedures!!!! Glad to hear the pupcake is home and feeling better.
  13. Stella was a NH girl, she came to us from Hinsdale, but long long ago.
  14. These are my favourite type of H&M threads to read, the ones that by the time I get here, everything is okay
  15. Oh Dev, you have given us a legacy and tribute to the fruitbat many times over, we all feel like we knew her because of your posts and stories. We will see you later Princess of Pinkness, and until then, we will remember you with a smile.
  16. Oh Devon I am so sorry. You know we love you and are heartbroken right along with you.
  17. Just adding another hug for you and some 'speedy recovery' wishes to Beau!!
  18. Just checking in for an update and to add a few more prayers. I read the beginning of this thread at home last night and Faith wanted me to type this message to mama's friend in the computer: "I LOOOVE Skittles, the candy skittles and your puppy Skittles who is super cute, I am blowing a kiss to her through the computer and out my bedroom window to help her feel better and help you not worry" We are all sending your prayers D
  19. Just popping in to see how CA is doing and to add another hug for you
  20. Aww, poor Beau. Once he is feeling better I am sure his old personality will come back, after all how cheerful do you feel when sick, right Stella has done this twice recently, both times I took her for x rays only to be told it is just soft tissue, give her some metacam and wait a week. Sunday night, she did it again, racing around the yard like a crazy pup, slid and did a bit of yelped and then wouldn't weight bear. I had to carry her in. I still had some metacam so I gave her some right away and the next morning she was walking on it, with a limp. I figured this time I would wait a day or two and watch for improvement and sure enough today she seems pretty much to have her normal gait back, though I am still keeping her on leash so she doesn't thinks she is better and re-injure. It is hard to see your babies hurt and sad
  21. I have nothing helpful to add Mary but wanted to make sure to pop in and give Dorsey a little hug from Stelly and I
  22. OH Wendy, I am so sorry. Your tribute to Dylan has tears running down my face, because even though I KNOW it is only see you later, I also know that the wait is long and hard. Hugs to you and Kevin, you know we love you and will always remember Dylan with you through your posts and stories
  23. Stella is our resident lawn goat. She is very picky about her grass and will snuffle through it very daintily selecting specific pieces to pull out and eat :rolleyes She never gets sick from it. I make sure I only let her do this with our own yard as I can't be sure of what other people spray and sprinkle on their lawns to try to outdo mother nature
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