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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. Take her to a veterinary ophthalmologist. Specialists often catch what even a skilled regular vet can miss.
  2. We do have an area set up that separates him from the girls when we're not home. The original purpose was to keep him from having diarrhea accidents on the carpet, but now (thankfully) his bowels seem to be in working order again, we may continue to use that area for the reason you describe. I don't picture Dazzle starting anything, but Ali might. And Dazzle is a real follower, so you're right, that could get ugly. If the episodes seem to become more frequent, it may simply come to the point where I'll bring him to work with me every day, just to keep an eye on him. For now, I watch and wait. And love on my big handsome boo-boo boy every day.
  3. I've been told by more than one vet that the suggested amount is 500 mg per 25 lbs of dog. So for a 75 lb dog, 1500 mg per day.
  4. Judy, you're the best. Thank you for the information, esp the bit about possible disorientation/aggression after an episode. That thought occurred to me as I was petting him during this episode. I was just calmly repeating his name and petting his head and neck. I thought he might need reassuring, but thankfully he remained calm throughout. I will definitely keep that in mind in the future. Emily, thanks for the link. That corgi seemed to be head-shaking much more quickly than what Tip did. Tip's head sort of slowly swiveled from side to side, and steadily, not in multiple bursts like that little guy. :
  5. Thank you Judy. You're right, I can't help but worry. My main concern is-- how many episodes might he have had while we're at work, or at night, or just maybe when we're not paying attention? Have I missed any? I do think it's still very mild, and far enough between to not panic, as you said. But, since you have seizure-hound experience, what do you do if/when a more violent episode occurs?
  6. When I last spoke to my vet, he agreed that all these episodes I described in this thread sound like mild seizures. His advice was to document, and if they escalate in effect or frequency, then we would consider action. This is the first one I've seen since July 29. I'm trying to not panic... I would not consider this an escalation yet.
  7. Tip had another incident just now. Very mild this time. I'm documenting it here in case I lose my written records in the paper chaos pile at home right now. Tip was napping next to my desk. I stood up and he awakened, and craned his neck stiffly toward me. His head tilted to his left, his eyes were sort of "sucked in" looking, and rolled down, with the third eyelids extended. His head swiveled back and forth and his eyes didn't track with my hands waving in front of him. This lasted about a minute, then he returned to normal.
  8. Cherry is absolutely beautiful. I can really see the gentle sweetness in her eyes. I'm very sorry for your loss.
  9. ZoomDoggy


    Thank you for sharing Smitty's story. I'm glad he knew your love, however briefly.
  10. Oh sweetie, I am so sorry. My heart hurts for you too.
  11. ZoomDoggy


    Beautiful beautiful sweetheart... I'm very sorry for your loss, Diane.
  12. She's breathtakingly gorgeous! You didn't overreact, you acted just right, by the sound of it.
  13. My understanding is that milk thistle helps the liver heal. I've never used metacam, but I have not heard of any drug-related interactions in using milk thistle (that's a question for a vet). I have never seen any side effects when I used milk thistle on my Chancy. So the upshot is, with vet's approval, I'd say there's no harm in trying it.
  14. Oh. my. god. Oh my heart is broken with you. So so so unfair. Poor little girlie. My mama Alimony... I just burst into tears looking at her. In a way, I'm glad she doesn't know...
  15. I am so sorry for your loss. He is a beautiful boy.
  16. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet gentle girlie.
  17. I am very sorry for your loss.
  18. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  19. I am very sorry for your loss.
  20. It just gets better and better, no? <sigh> When is your first break from the island?
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