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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. I am so happy to hear such a great update! for Asia.
  2. I'm very sorry for the loss of your beautiful ol' man.
  3. I couldn't have said it better, Diane. The pain and grief is wrapped in the same package that brought you all the love and joy.
  4. I am very sorry to hear the diagnosis. I hope you and Spirit have time left to enjoy some nice moments together.
  5. Poor Pepper. I hope he heals quickly, and you both never see that jerk dog and jerk owner again. I love the Pepper pics you share, he is gorgeous and always looks to be having a blast!
  6. What a beautiful boy. I am very sorry for your loss.
  7. My heart is broken for you, Judy and Mike. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. Goodbye beautiful beautiful Emmy... I was blessed and utterly charmed to have met you.
  8. Don't call it a gun, call it a weapon or a rifle. Drill Instructors get VERY upset if you call your weapon a gun, and it leads to lots of jogging around with your rifle held over your head singing a silly phrase about the difference between weapons and guns (sorry- flashbacks to 1979 army basic training - thank goodness I wasn't the one who called my weapon a gun) Awesome garage/shed Trudy! You do good work! One hand on weapon, one hand on crotch, repeatedly singing... "This one's my weapon, and this one's my gun. One is for killing, one is for fun..."
  9. Glad to hear Emmy (and all of you) are hanging in there. I love seeing good news in H&M.
  10. I'm sorry for your loss, Tami.
  11. I'm sorry. As a "difficult draw" myself, I can attest that sometimes the patient just has challenging veins. Too small, too "roll-y" etc. If she's a bit dehydrated, that can also add to the problem. I usually go through most of my limbs and several nurses before they get a proper stick on me. I hope Nelly gets the treatment she needs soon.
  12. Judy, I posted this a while back for someone else who was having trouble getting their sick pup to eat: I hope this helps.
  13. ZoomDoggy


    I am very sorry for your loss of such a beautiful boy.
  14. ZoomDoggy


    Oh I am so so sorry for your loss.
  15. Is that a wee little banana in Jeff's hand or is he just missing his wife?
  16. Thank you for the update. Always happy to hear success stories in H&M.
  17. I had that surgery for my Chancy last year. I only wish I'd done it sooner (I was on that same see-saw for a long time ), as it was like a miracle for her breathing. Sadly I lost her due to other health complications a month later. But at least my gentle sweetheart could breathe easily again.
  18. I LOVE happy updates in H&M! for Asia.
  19. Amazing, simply amazing. I'm so happy he's home and recovering.
  20. Finally catching up now. Sooo thrilled the surgery was successful! Wish I could offer advice, but am thankful to not have experience in this matter. I will keep watching for progress reports.
  21. If it is significantly reduced by tomorrow, I'd guess a bug bite.
  22. Love the Jet pics. She's looking good, is she eating better now that she's not "homeless"? And Ry-Ry in his beloved agua. Very pretty fleurs too.
  23. Does he seem to limp more on particularly rough surfaces? Like gravel or concrete? Take a flashlight and very closely scrutinize each of his toe pads. Look for small flat shiny spots, or raised hard areas, or a tiny pinhole... anything that is not normal paw-pad texture. It may be a corn developing. If you see anything like what I described, take the affected pad between your fingers and give it a gentle-but-firm squeeze from the sides of the pad. This may elicit a flinch or a yelp (may want to muzzle before this exam). If so, it's very likely a corn. They can be hard to spot, especially if you've never seen one before. If it is, there are a few options for treatment which can be found here in H&M by doing a keyword search for "corns." ETA: It's not unheard of for vets to misdiagnose corns, so don't let the fact your vet hasn't brought this up make you dismiss the possibility out of hand. Might save you some xray expense...
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