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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. I actually don't feel terribly worried (believe it or not) about it at the moment. Just sad to see it happen at all.
  2. Seems to me that it was still very minor, but the fact that it was only one month since the last one, whereas the last few were further apart... Not sure. I'll call my vet later, see what he thinks.
  3. A small seizure occurred this morning at about 6:30am. About 45 seconds in duration. He jumped up from his bed (this was after his morning walk and breakfast, where he acted completely normal) and stood with his eyes rolled down, slowly waving his head back and forth. One month to the day from the last seizure I saw. There was lightening in the sky today. No idea if that detail matters.
  4. That is just beautiful! What a lovely portrait of such a strikingly handsome boy. Arco...
  5. Well we're home and we have a tentative diagnosis, pending inspection of the xrays by our regular vet on Monday... Alimony suffers from Mitties Elephantitis, exacerbated by an environmental condition called Panicky Mommytriosis, treated by a non-anesthetic outpatient surgical extraction of $117 from my bank account, with a followup administration of one very dry vodka martini with olive garnish. The upshot is, the xrays showed nothing that the vet could see (other than Ali has big feet), but she will show them to our regular vet on Monday when he's in the office again. She agreed, the joint looks a little larger on Ali's left leg than the right, but since she's not favoring it at all, and the xrays appear clear, there is no treatment currently suggested. I am a big ol' worry wart. I am also very very relieved, and will be even more so when I hear the same thing from our regular vet on Monday. Thank you for everyone's good thoughts. Maybe they really do help sometimes...
  6. I noticed a slight swelling in her wrist a day or two ago. It was so slight I thought maybe I was imagining it. Today I am definitely not imagining it. She doesn't limp or favor that leg at all, she acts totally normal, but the swelling scares me as I've learned that the distal radius is a common tumor site... and that's about where this swelling is located. She is getting an Xray this afternoon.
  7. Glad to hear she found something that tastes good. : Keep on keepin' on, pretty girlie.
  8. What a horrible nightmare... I am so sorry this has happened...
  9. Keep a close eye on him, if he acts strangely at all, don't hesitate to rush him to an emergency vet for xrays & such. Hope it's minor.
  10. I knew about the keratotomy to help the first ulcer heal, but what I'm wondering is, if maybe he's not getting the right meds to prevent another ulcer... ? The bump sounds to me like another ulcer about to open up. I was lucky in that Sissy never had a reoccurence as long as she got her daily eyedrops. She lived less than a year after that, so I can't attest to long-term benefit. She died of cancer, unrelated to her eye problems.
  11. Wow, that really sounds like epithelial basement membrane disease, which I said before that my Sissy had. My layman's understanding of it is that the deeper layers of tissue in the eye are not transmissing fluid correctly between the inner and outer layers of the eye. This causes fluid pressure buildup, resulting in a sort of "blistering" effect on the eye surface, and corneal ulcers. After Sissy's recovery from open-grid keratotomy, she was on sodium chloride ointment for the rest of her life to prevent future erosions.
  12. Doubt is a cancer in it's own right. Please don't let that consume you. Second-guessing past decisions won't change what's happening right now. That will only torture you and rob you of the confidence you need to help Ember through this. Try to take each moment as it comes. Easier said than done, I know. All too well, I know.
  13. That pic is pretty cute. She can't be bothered to even sit up to clean that plate. Glad you are able to try the treatment. I hope it buys you a lot of quality time. I'll look forward to updates.
  14. I am beyond happy to hear the good news! Give that pretty gal a big hug for me!
  15. I know how stressful waiting and not knowing can be. for Roo...
  16. Have you taken his temperature? Is he panting at all, or just trembling? At our old house, Dazzle sometimes got spooked by seemingly nothing at all-- perhaps a scent in the air (we joke that there are ghosts that only she can see) that only she smelled. The other two pups never reacted at all. But Dazzle would act extremely skittish, pacing and trembling, and too stressed out to eat even a cookie... I never figured out what the trigger was, but since we've moved, it hasn't happened. Upshot is, perhaps Riley smelled something that spooked him? The squeal during the night-- do you think that's related? Seems like perhaps a separate incident? Maybe just a dream. Tipper makes all sorts of crazy dreaming noises. Yelps, barks, growls... ETA: Dazzles "episodes" always calmed after an hour or two. If Riley's heartrate stays high for longer, I'd be calling the vet.
  17. Literally. Annoying, yes, but whomever ate it will be fine, I'm sure.
  18. Her incision is looking great. That's a very sweet picture of Polli, secure in your arms.
  19. Alimony has a very juicy nosey. Pools spread from her schnoz while she sleeps. None of the others come close to her prodigious juiciness. It doesn't appear related to anything. She's just a juicy kinda gal.
  20. I do get incredulous looks if I mention taking my dog to the eye doctor for a checkup. I usually tell them it's off to the orthodontist after that to get his braces adjusted.
  21. Tipper's been getting NeoPolyDex for four years now for his pannus with no ill effects. It's cheap too, about $11 per tube, and each tube lasts a good long time. I should add though, that our vet ophthalmologist did say that some dogs have a reaction to NeoPolyDex too, so maybe it'll work for you, maybe not.
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