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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. It's pepcid. Sour tummy or ulcers.
  2. Re pee pads: don't know, never used them 10 hours for a 13 yr old is long as you know. No chance of someone letting them out during the day?
  3. Any food changes or supplement changes? Thyroid panel? Can you get her some acupuncture and chiropractic treatments?
  4. Mixed opinions on the protein re kidney issues, however, a 1.7 creatine is normal for a greyhound. I suspect he has a UTI or the food is making him that thirsty which would pose the question, is it a good food for him. First things first--take in a urine sample
  5. Email Ohio State and ask. Sending lots of prayers!
  6. Sending prayers. Burp had it and I remember how scarey it was getting the right med combination.
  7. Kidneys are probably normal for a grey. What kind of hair in the poop? Possible bunny or other rodent he may have eaten? I have mixed emotions about the eating since you don't know what is wrong with him. Are his teeth ok? I might feed him meat if he wants it and check on his poops. Are they good ones? I'd do an xray (assuming he is ok between now and then) on Monday if he is still off.
  8. What are you feeding? I have a feeling kibble that has rice? Have you tried cooking meat and giving him only that for a few days to see if it clears up? Is this controlled diarreha?
  9. Sending prayers and where are the pictures of Mr. Spiffy?
  10. Remember, Winslow belongs (or rather they belong to him) to Glynis & Craig I'm only the reporter
  11. Sounds like he needs an adjustment
  12. I like a vet humble enough to say "I need to go get the book". I have found in the vets I've used that say this, they are very good vets--a lot of knowledge and the where with all to know they do not know it all. If you are concerned with the values (that appear to be normal), you are not that far from Ohio State Make an appointment, drive on down and see what they say!
  13. That growth is nasty looking! Good thing you had it taken off! Sending prayers he heals quick
  14. If they have been giving him NSAIDs, that could be the reason for the off kidney values. You might talk to her about no NSAIDs and use other pain med options. Sending more prayers!
  15. Strange. Whatever it is it will have to come off.
  16. I've used robaxin when needed but not valium. Acupuncture will help hold the adjustment.
  17. Can you get it larger? You can email it to me. Can't tell from that photo.
  18. Ask vet about liquidating carafate to give him just before eating. If it works, you will know his throat is scraped.
  19. I've used oral pred and occassionally tramadol for this. I've had the majority of them maintain on 10-20 mg per day which is a low dose.
  20. You should take him to the vet today. It sounds like he has an infection and he needs antibiotics.
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