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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Break open a vitamin E capsule and put on at least twice a day. Inbetween, if you can, do water therapy.
  2. Try Joint Health Joint Health Also acupuncture and/or chiropractic. Do you have a doggy swimming facility near you?
  3. Not necessarily true. Hope she does fine on drops
  4. I like 5# over race weight. They drop that in 2 days of being sick.
  5. I don't give vitamins at all. I start Fresh Factors at 7 or 8 along with vitamin E and fish oil. MSM around the same time. Depends on the dog. There should be no need for supplements unless there is a prior injury before 7 or 8
  6. Good news! Sending lots of prayers.
  7. We can guess, but only the vet will know
  8. Did you email the picture to Ohio State and see what they think?
  9. No matter how experienced the vet is, they do not have the equipment the specialist does. Solomon convinced me that a dog should go to the specialist as well as Rob Roy. Solomon had an underlying old dog condition that precluded him from receiving pred drops. It would have been disasterous. Rob Roy: we were sure (the vet and I) that he had pannus (yes, a very greyhound vet) and he did not. He had a condition that is very rare in dogs and there is no treatment necessary. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...&hl=Rob+Roy
  10. No problem for me. WindowsXP with newly updated Norton and IE 6.0.
  11. Hoping all is ok and looking for an update!
  12. Pannus is very treatable with drops. I prefer to go to a specialist for the diagnosis and let them determine the treatment if at all possible.
  13. How old is he? I'd give him a shot of doxy just because and you can do a tick panel but other than the "normal" ones, it won't show up unless you send off for PCR and those take time. Where did he race?
  14. Yellow gums indicate liver failure. Why it's failing is to be determined. She either needs a different vet or to drive to OSU. Fast--this is not a wait and see or the vet doesn't have time today.
  15. He needs blood work and a different antibiotic. Sending prayers.
  16. http://www.grassmere-animal-hospital.com/corns.htm
  17. I would ask the same about any meds he is on. Do you have chiropractic or acupuncture available? Personally, at age 14 I would not medicate if he is only having this at times. Have you tried feeding him when he does this? Most of my advanced aged seniors wanted to eat from midnight to 2 a.m.
  18. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy. It is very hard to lose a friend
  19. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy & hugs. Rusty is a great friend!
  20. I think Marilyn has a few treatments that work I'd start water therapy. 5 minutes 3 times a day or 10 minutes twice a day. Can you make a greyhound legging (in Greyt Information)?
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